Dumpster 3 : Reaper Of Wallets

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Looks like a new terrible game in the D3-saga :P More terrible features. Smart drops, srsly wtf!?
Danskere: PM mig, hvis I har brug for en guild.
I love POE but I was VERY excited to hear it. I was though a bit disappointed that they are not changing skills system, nor any mention about the AH or the ladder system. but it is definitely a step in the right direction. and I am pretty confident they will implement the other good features sometime in the future.

what I liked about it:

- loot changes.
- paragon level unlimited level cap.
- some kind of an end game with random maps and random bosses.

what I didnt like
- blizzard slow work and updates, hopefully this will change after console release so they focus on fixing the game.
-only level 70 cap.
-no mention for real end game changes.

excuse my poor english, as it is not my native language.

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