Please enlighten me to what you are currently playing besides Path of Exile.

solwitch wrote:
Speaking as a consumer:

Everyone asks me, "how come your not a supporter since you love the game so much." So many games have disappointed me and my money wasted. Though was it really wasted? I am type of consumer that demands entertainment if you want my money. I have little over a few months to make my decision and that is no ones business by my own.

As a consumer (looking at you GGG :P) I expect quality even if this game is termed, "F2P." I am the type of consumer disappoint me once I can let it slide, disappoint me twice I rant and a third time you lost me forever. So far I have not been disappointed, why in the world would I lie. This game has literally taken my life away, such nostalgia from other old AARPGs I use to play. The game currently exudes quality for such a start up developer and am elated for its future.

You can take my advice or take it with a grain of salt.
Include competition and open the doors to other avenues such as consoles and perhaps mobile.


Signature wrote:
"Sometimes I wonder if my insanity makes any sense to people... o.O."

It doesn't make any sense to me. Can't speak for the people, thou.

To answer your question in the title:
Currently playing Spelunky, Scrolls, Battle vs. Chess,
The Binding of Isaac, Rogue Legacy and Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup.
Last edited by Nightmare90 on Aug 19, 2013, 8:32:54 PM
Been bouncing around between PoE, TES: Oblivion, SC2, Dark Souls, Halo 4, Forza 3, DMC HD collection, some Saints Row 3 and a little bit of D3 sprinkled in from time to time. Also just did a playthrough of Ocarina of Time.
Fable 1 (yeah i know, im a bit late on the hype)

And veeeeeeeeery off topic since the op went off topic with his entire post:
If God made humankind in his image, why do all portraits of him show him as white? The last time I looked we're a minority. Hmmmmmmmm.... derp
(sorry, came to think about this when I looked at the Templar portrait lokoing like an old greek god :p )
Heavily modded Fallout 3 and moderately modded Skyrim. =^[.]^=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Skyrim and not much else. But am tiring of it and ready to move on. May give Pay Day 2 a try.

And I deleted my entire stash and characters today to force myself to start fresh without any aid. I only play self found so this hurt, but when I come back to PoE full time, I want it to mean something.
Was playing the latest Tomb raider couple of weeks ago and Risen 2 a few weeks before that both of them about halfway through so need to get back to them.Tomb raider is surprisingly good and seems a different experience than the older games.Both games I got because they were going cheap on steam.
Firefall (makes me appreciate GGG more and more)
Hammerwatch (Gauntlet lives!)
Rogue Legacy (a.k.a. "Why did I go into NG+2?")
Worms Armageddon (14 years old, still the best game with friends)
Last edited by pneuma on Aug 20, 2013, 2:15:41 AM
Mount & Blade Warband (Prophesy of Pendor mod)
Civ 5

Waiting on Starbound, you Terraria players ^^ should check that if you haven't

and thinking about getting back into Skyrim.
We tested it extensively
I've been dabbling lately, not much in the last year except for Path has really captured me too much apart from Far Cry 3 & Blood Dragon.

PSX - Parasite Eve II
PSX - Abe's Odeysee
PC - Isaac
PC - Worms Revo
360 - Limbo (the occasional "less than five death" run attempt)
360 - Black Ops I

And of course Blood Dragon, gotta keep pushing that lead out on #2 :)

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