Conduit for minions ?

Tranx wrote:

Is this possible that conduit works with minions ? After the patch we got less minions and without heavily speccing in minion passives they are weak. Mark what u think ?

That would go against the point of conduit, which is intended as a party-only bonus. It would also need some drawback to it as keystones aren't supposed to give you a bonus for nothing (and putting your charges on all your minions is a big bonus). At that point, the resulting thing is so unlike Conduit that I don't think there's any point considering them the same. Conduit doesn't give you any benefit at all for investing in it, where this would give a big one.

In short, if there was to be a way to directly share your charges with your minions, I would expect it would come with a big downside attached and be a separate thing to Conduit, not warping Conduit into something it was never intended for.
Xendran wrote:
magpye wrote:

Permanent curse and dual curse keystones DO give you something for nothing, as well as the current conduit.

Yeah, mark really had no idea what he was talking about. Even back in sept 2012 when that was posted, we still had dual curse, infinite curse, iron grip, and conduit which all have no downside.

I'm not saying whether they should or shouldn't, but what mark said was flat out wrong, and it's not some single outlier that causes it to be wrong either.
Those keystones give you a moderately small something for the moderately small cost of navigating to that area of the tree, which costs multiple passive points for most builds.

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