Question regarding Connection Problems..

Hello there, I Had a Quick Question regarding connection problems.

I recently lost my HC Character, what happened was I entered a map, a few seconds later I disconnected, and then from logging back in I was dead. Now I understand the dangers of Hardcore, but It really hurt to lose the character without even any plausible reason why.

Is there any way for you guys to actually find out "how" I Died? I dont want to go level another char to 67 and lose it without knowing what actually caused it.
IGN : Darmz
Just to clarify further, so far ive not really had any "internet" issues that have caused me problems in hardcore, hence this has really shocked me.
IGN : Darmz
Anyone? :(
IGN : Darmz
gonna be basically the same response as this thread got:

Better luck on your next HC champion!
"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." - William James
"People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be." - Abraham Lincoln
Just to add, I was a bit sad when i posted this cause i lost the char, however I just want to know the actual "reason" behind my death. I am adamant that my isp isnt to blame in this case, and believe there was something else at work.

IGN : Darmz
I also feel that its ridiculous to "lose" a HC char in this manner, I mean the whole difficulty was not dying (ive hit 5% HP many times and that feeling is tense but awesome!, but knowing I can lose all my hard work cause of 1 disconnect is a bit hard to take) specifically cause i have spent a lot of effort to ensure I dont get ISP problems that cause deaths.
IGN : Darmz
Still hoping for some sort of log/check of "how" I died, Ive lost the will to play the game currently knowing a d/c could kill me at any time.

(I appreciate that in some cases i.e bosses, a D/C could still cause a death)

Sorry for being a bit arsey about it but i just feel if this is how the game is on release, it will put a lot of people off HC.

A few things I had in terms of thoughts, perhaps a D/C death could give something else in terms of penalty, maybe -10 levels or if you lose a char that is over lvl 60 on HC you recieve a 25% xp buff for 24-48hours(or orbs that give 1-4 hour buffs on xp) Therefore Legit players will take the loss and still have some sort of will to grind up again regardless of the d/c death fear.

At least this way if anyone does lose a char on HC due to a DC there is some sort of relief, but obviously this could be very open to exploit, therefore my suggestion is that it ONLY applies to very high lvl 60 characters, 60-65-70 range. Cause to be totally honest outside of a D/C there was no chance in hell I was dying, least that was how I "felt" which was awesome, SC just wont give that same satisfaction.

Im NOT saying characters should not be permanently killed on HC, just that if a character such as a lvl 60 which has obviously had a lot of time spent on it, if it was to die on HC due to a D/C issue, perhaps some sort of relief could be offered. However this idea may be totally impossible, just throwing some thoughts out there.

Though in all honesty, even though im moaning a bit here, I really do feel stupid for even suggesting that HC should have any sort of easy-mode, but The sheer manner of my death really bugged me that bad, and I know of 3 other people that similar things have happened to.

IGN : Darmz
The answer is sooo simple. This is closed beta. Alot of recent patches, some fix things, some mess them up.
Would be good to know if it was on your end, or the client end, I know. Is said every crash sends info, so just hope it is getting fixed soon.

Also, your charector is not lost forever, is now in default league.
Last edited by Swordsbeer on Aug 16, 2012, 6:18:33 PM
Swordsbeer wrote:
The answer is sooo simple. This is closed beta. Alot of recent patches, some fix things, some mess them up.
Would be good to know if it was on your end, or the client end, I know. Is said every crash sends info, so just hope it is getting fixed soon.

Also, your charector is not lost forever, is now in default league.

Yea mate i know its beta, thats what im bringing up this post, to find out why/what caused my death and the d/c, i just want a mod or so to perhaps look to see if theres a log.
IGN : Darmz
oh and default just isnt fun after playing hc, the fear of death is fun as hell!, which is why my own arguement about the penalties is conflicted lol!
IGN : Darmz

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