Ban the person above you

^Banned for ridiculous amounts of uncertainty.
Banned for having no strong feelings about it one way or the other. Damn Neutral.
^ banned because Chaotic Evil

Mel Gibson is your daddy... and, you don't really want to know what he does.
^ Banned because Chaotic Neutral.
Every one above and beyond me until the beginning of this thread is banned because fuck yo couch.
'An open mind is like a Fortress with it's gates unbarred and unguarded'.
^Banned for not supplying enough couches for everyone.
"Withdrawing in disgust is not the same as apathy"

^banned for shamelessly pointing out obvious flaws in an already catastrophically flawed plan

Mel Gibson is your daddy... and, you don't really want to know what he does.
Banned in the name of Saint VictorDoom the Violent Tendencies and also....
^banned because this next passage is brilliant in describing exactly what 'murica does to its vassal countries:

"..."leader of the free world" came to infect American language and thinking. Even with the end of the Cold War, many have not jettisoned the idea, although it is heard less often. As the world's only superpower, America is told that it must act like "a great nation," which still means defending freedom around the world. That is a difficult enough task for any nation. It is even more difficult for America, not only because of its established Cold War pattern but also because of its long-standing tradition of holding aloof from international partnerships. The view that the United States acts authentically only when it acts independently has recurred, from Thomas Jefferson's warning against "entangling alliances" through the Monroe Doctrine, manifest destiny, and rejection of the League of Nations to the current distrust of the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the International Criminal Court, and any agencies set up to monitor seas, pollution, or land mines.

Whatever else this suspicious attitude does, it cripples America's ability to lead other countries. A leader must understand followers and be able to enlist their energies so that they are willing to do something for the greater good. Force, subversion, and defiance are not the traits of a leader. No one can lead people without listening to them, reasoning with them, and showing respect for them...

(more walls of text here:

Mel Gibson is your daddy... and, you don't really want to know what he does.
Banned because Country bashing is in another thread.

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