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Keeper's Shop - Craft Service - 5L/6S Fusing Service

offer 15 ex for Infernal Mantle Occultist's Vestment

added headhunter belt
IGN: Surak Methred Wrathclaws Boxender_Gladiator Dunkler_Beschwörer Lady_Discharge
I'll buy out Golem Ward m8

IGN TheSlutSlayer
added mings heart
IGN: Surak Methred Wrathclaws Boxender_Gladiator Dunkler_Beschwörer Lady_Discharge
26 ex for ming
4 ex on victory beads amulet
ign: DaEDaenarys
added some 5L soul mantles
IGN: Surak Methred Wrathclaws Boxender_Gladiator Dunkler_Beschwörer Lady_Discharge
Would like to buy Havoc Visor, is there a b/o?

IGN: SmaugTheTerrible
Havoc Visor is already sold, sry
IGN: Surak Methred Wrathclaws Boxender_Gladiator Dunkler_Beschwörer Lady_Discharge
Darn, how about rift corona?

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