MASSIVE Crafting Bug - Power Imbalance

Several duplicates that can be closed in favor of this thread.

Also, you can view some of the people actively exploiting this right now. If you don't REMOVE these items (at the very least reduce sockets to 3) from the game, you continue a precedent of allowing exploiters to continue exploiting going forward.

When this happened with being able to add abyss sockets to any item, there was never any patch notes so please consider doing the right thing here (even if it's not the easiest option).

Yet another unpaid Path of Exile 2 Alpha Tester.
Last edited by TwentyFiveEX on May 3, 2024, 12:58:30 PM
It would be interesting to know how the recipe's script is written if it doesn't check that many conditions, like "Item is a shield", "Item has an explicit/implicit modifier regarding sockets"
People have figured out that you can't make a 6-link from shield that is 2x2 in inventory but can do it with big shields like 2x3 Squire.
I hope it's not something stupid like

if (item is unid)
- screw the item base checks;
- screw the socket mod checks;
- just check inventory size
if (inventory_height >= 3)
- make 6 sockets;
end if
end if
Last edited by natural183 on May 3, 2024, 2:03:57 PM
Jatin_GGG wrote:
Thanks for your report, I'll pass this on.

people are 6 linking 1 handed items and shields. these people need banned and this needs patched asap. you guys really dropped the ball on this league. and absolute joke.
I really hope there are going to be consequences for anyone abusing this. its an obvious bug along with the Squire/1-hander non-sense. letting it slide just allows people to profit in the short term and leave abiding players at a loss.
voltxion wrote:
I really hope there are going to be consequences for anyone abusing this. its an obvious bug along with the Squire/1-hander non-sense. letting it slide just allows people to profit in the short term and leave abiding players at a loss.

maybe join in on the fun. remember it is just a game(a PVE game at that) and the point is to have fun.
GodGamerGobi wrote:
voltxion wrote:
I really hope there are going to be consequences for anyone abusing this. its an obvious bug along with the Squire/1-hander non-sense. letting it slide just allows people to profit in the short term and leave abiding players at a loss.

maybe join in on the fun. remember it is just a game(a PVE game at that) and the point is to have fun.

logging in to a ban, or a bricked character because your items and currency spent on them are deleted wouldnt be fun. Missing out because we dont risk a ban is also not fun.
We need communication from GGG. The trend of silently making huge changes as with the lantern/exiles is not okay. This seems like a bug or exploit, but the lack of communication makes it very ambiguous.
Last edited by iadapt on May 3, 2024, 3:16:28 PM
Slider13 wrote:
Jatin_GGG wrote:
Thanks for your report, I'll pass this on.

people are 6 linking 1 handed items and shields. these people need banned and this needs patched asap. you guys really dropped the ball on this league. and absolute joke.

I would rather turn every single item they posses into orbs of fusing
GGG is getting late, global 1 is full of people showcasing their exploited items like if it were normal.



Kross0m wrote:
GGG is getting late, global 1 is full of people showcasing their exploited items like if it were normal.




Wanna cry?) No offence
Why so much hate dude?
Consequences of this bug: 2 of the streamers I follow just dropped the league.

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