I'm done with your game, it is trash.

lagwin1980 wrote:
i think someone is just starting to see RNG in the drop rates, fooled themselves into thinking a relatively lucky streak was the norm and is now on the other end.

explain the rng formulae to drop from 10-15 scarab down to 2-3.
This is simply outrageous. The day before yesterday I created an atlas for scarab farming, I collected 10-15 scarabs per map, they were not expensive, but I liked it. Yesterday, when I woke up, I already noticed that scarabs per map began to drop 2 times less, 4-7 pieces. Today I knock out 1-2 scarabs per map. All these 3 days I did not change anything in my character and atlas.

How can you even afford to change the chances of item drop in the middle of the league, and also do it every day.
Someone managed to get a bunch of scarabs, and someone did not. You create an imbalance between the players.

You've ruined this league into some kind of garbage dump. The whole basic idea of the league is to sort through hundreds of maps in your map device until you get a lucky mod. There's not even any idea or meaning in this, it's a stupid rotation of maps, are you serious?

Play this shit yourself

Is this complaining about RNG? You got unlucky and you're turning that tiny sample size into a (fake) narrative about GGG turning drops down every day?
I have a pretty dim view of GGG's drop rate balancing but even I don't think they secretly turn those knobs down DURING THE LEAGUE. Just look at affliction, that was a whole league of insane loot dumpsters pouring on our heads.

Now they absolutely "twist the knobs" between leagues. 100% they've talked about this fact openly in fact.

There's a much easier answer to your observational anecdote : you're having poor RNG for a night, it will even out over time.

If you want honest (no passive aggression) advice I'd just say relax and stop comparing your drops to some streamer or even worse some "other unknown guy who gets all the drops" comparison is the thief of joy as the saying goes.

Believe me you're not the only guy who has some (made up) guy in your head who's getting more loot than you. Everyone has that. its literally why every league start everyone feels rushed and "gotta go fast".

Also a really constructive bit of advice is to look into how randomness actually works. You had an off night, thats "probabilistic rarefaction" or maybe yesterday night you had a lucky streak thats called "probabilistic clustering" these are things YOU SHOULD EXPECT in a game thats doing a decent job of simulating randomness. POE does okay at this though if you ask me everything is too biased against good outcomes and not flat enough for my personal taste. Ruthless seems to have a much flatter bias to accompany the vastly reduced drop rates and so that mode often feels much more like "anything could drop at any moment".

Just remember luck is probability taken personally.
"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
feral_nature wrote:
lagwin1980 wrote:
i think someone is just starting to see RNG in the drop rates, fooled themselves into thinking a relatively lucky streak was the norm and is now on the other end.

explain the rng formulae to drop from 10-15 scarab down to 2-3.

It's extremely common for people to think that randomness equals even smooth or uniform distribution. Its not.

Assuming an average somewhere in between those two and that neither number is itself an outlier I'd guess (its very dependent on your sample size being identical, and your data collection needs to be accurate and not "I guesstimate I ran X number of maps both nights) that result is very much well within expected outcomes and you should probably expect 2-3 on a semi frequent basis. Also its entirely possible that your 10-15 was an outlier and 2-3 is a normal result in which case you should expect 2-3 with the occasional crazy night of 10-15. The actual average is probably somewhere in between. Again assuming you actually did a good job of collecting data.

How often do you flip a coin and expect heads 5 times in a row? You probably don't expect that, but you totally should in fact you should expect much larger streaks than that on occasion.
"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
Last edited by alhazred70 on Apr 5, 2024, 7:10:37 PM
Although rng is a bitch i think there is something fishy here. Because if he gets with fully specced atlas into scarabs on map with 100% increased pack size and 300% quant 0 scarabs, that can't be right. Probablity of that must be very, very close to zero despite me not having clue what actually chances are. Either he is unluckiest person alive or there is something not working as it supposed to. I am running crimson temple now specced into corpses and ambush. Zero focus on scarabs and I doubt I had ever had a map where i would not drop some.

I would suggest to OP to try to adjust strategy though. It is possible that scarabs are dropping from other league mechanincs more. I don't know. But I would defintely try eldritch altairs at minimum and for example ambush. For science man! Do it!!! And let us know.
There can be several reasons for your change in drops. Extra content that was spawning in back to basics map has been patched out. Scarabs drop in mass from extra content so you probably should unspec the back to basics node and put some points into one or more mechanics. I recommend shrines and or strongboxes.

Another reason might be that filterblade could have done an economy update and a lot of scarabs are filtered out due to low value (depending on your filter settings).

Could just be RNG

GGG could also have adjusted drop rate slightly (we rarely ever know unless changes are major) but I highly doubt so as I am still getting mass amount of scarabs with strongboxes in T16 (yes even lots of horned scarabs). And this is done on standard that has waaay less drops due to no league mechanic/allflames.

So I suggest you go with removing the back to basics node and try more than a few maps xD
Last edited by arknath on Apr 26, 2024, 8:30:55 PM
BadAssTom wrote:
Although rng is a bitch i think there is something fishy here. Because if he gets with fully specced atlas into scarabs on map with 100% increased pack size and 300% quant 0 scarabs, that can't be right. Probablity of that must be very, very close to zero despite me not having clue what actually chances are. Either he is unluckiest person alive or there is something not working as it supposed to. I am running crimson temple now specced into corpses and ambush. Zero focus on scarabs and I doubt I had ever had a map where i would not drop some.

I would suggest to OP to try to adjust strategy though. It is possible that scarabs are dropping from other league mechanincs more. I don't know. But I would defintely try eldritch altairs at minimum and for example ambush. For science man! Do it!!! And let us know.

There are two simple explanations for this:

a) OP allocated Unwavering Vision
b) OP is disingenuous
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/artcrusader
copacu wrote:
Take a break bro, your feedback is not constructive at all, you`re just whining like a child.
They are really trying to balance economy, because if it's not stable then people will be incentivised to quit faster. A solution would be for build creators to make competitive builds with items that can be crafted in the graveyard. As long as top tier builds depend on some unique interaction the casual andy will be discouraged to grind to access the economy. This is why the negativity influx is getting higher, because all top popular builds use at least one unique that has the price gated on the economy... Also league is pretty boring, thank god of the atlas changes otherwise it wouldn't last a month

so his feedback is "whining"? whats not whining for people like you lol :D

this forum is abandoned by the devs and the players should abandon it to
"There are Penalties in the Game, no one's complaining about them"
Chris Wilson Exilecon 2019
ArtCrusade wrote:

There are two simple explanations for this:

a) OP allocated Unwavering Vision
b) OP is disingenuous

I missed that he didn't drop zero, but 2 pcs. While pretty bad it is not zero. I also missed that he is running back to basics... xD It was 2 am when I reacted so I was tired. I think if they are adjusting drop rates on the go they should let it be known. They should simply announce everyting affecting gameplay. Otherwise it is imo unfair to players. I hope they are not doing it.

And OP. I would in your place try to use scarabs you can - seems like you can only do monstrous lineage, adversaries, mysterious and hunted traitors. You can do multiple of the same or combo. Also unlock 5th map slot. Let someone carry you in t17. I personally have specced one altlas into shrines and niko's packed with energy only, have cleared as easy as possible t17 map myself and then asked in chat for help with killing boss which I could not do. And some cool guy joined me and killed the boss. 5th map slot unlocked. Didn't even want anything for it which I would happily give him just to get over with that crap.

And if even this won't help significantly then it is time to change strategy. You really need to experiment a bit and not just get frustrated yo.

You can craft close to perfect gear this league yourself in graveyard. It is not a blast setting it up but results are great. I am farming corpses only for my personal use just to craft gear. And apart of one ring I bought I crafted everyting myself. Do it and you will have good time doing any strategy you want. There is discord where people share recipes if you don't know where to start.
The trolls on this thread.... OP, even with a kind of weird take with some flaws, raises a really good point. This league we are forced into doing more difficult content with no loot. The only thing that drops loot anymore is t17s. It sucks.
At the moment this game is more then trash.

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