Call to arms does not heal with warcry mastery sucks

First off I had to mute my game sound while I write this because general's cry sound is driving me crazy going off every 1.95 seconds. Secondly, the warcry mastery reads "recover 15% of life when YOU use a warcry" and does not work with the new skill gem. SO now I am down one gem link and do not get life recovery when I use generals cry. I think there should be two changes:

1. Change the warcry mastery to grant 15% life recovery whenever a warcry is used
2. Sell us an MTX for removing warcry sound, I'll pay 50$ for it.

On a side note, I think the call to arms gem is really cool and I like the automation.

Last bumped on Apr 26, 2024, 11:36:46 AM
I second the wanting a way to quiet the warcry sound without having to turn down sfx volume. The warcrys are so much louder than the other sfx.

Could be an MTX that either removes sound completely or turns it into a whisper. I'm sure there is some theme that would work for it.
Please update the mastery to allow the 15% heal to work with the new Call to Arms support.
Please update the mastery to allow the 15% heal to work with the new Call to Arms support.
Bump for visibility.
Please update the mastery to allow the 15% heal to work with the new Call to Arms support.
Killurself wrote:
I second the wanting a way to quiet the warcry sound without having to turn down sfx volume. The warcrys are so much louder than the other sfx.

Could be an MTX that either removes sound completely or turns it into a whisper. I'm sure there is some theme that would work for it.

couldn't agree any more. my general cry is 0.7s cool down and it sounds terrible.
automated is not you. you arent casting cries,so ANYTHING "you do it" doent work with it. if it was "asis" this way as an OPTION,i wouldnt give a shit because LMB would still be,but it's not,it's a forced function or add another button to your rotation to use any effect,that used with cries/guard skills. pepemiddlefinger mr.player from ggg.
Last edited by Nibelton on Apr 3, 2024, 3:13:39 PM
If we still had a way to get instant warcry for generals cry without the call to arms support, I think the mastery would be fine. But since we do not, the lose of the life recovery is a pretty big deal.
Bump for visibility as well, I have league started with GC Blade FLurry for the last like 6 leagues.

This is the worst its been Damage is lower because of losing a damage gem slot, and now I have no recovery and have had to find a work around which is terrible.

Maybe Call to Arms should have a more damage multiplier on it?

Also allow it to interact with Warcry Mastery that heals.

I have tried running without Call to Arms support and its pretty much impossible in higher end content.
Last edited by Robocitrus on Apr 4, 2024, 6:27:44 PM

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