Will PoE 2 Have PoE1 Endgame Bosses?


Was wondering this while watching Talkative Tri's recap of this afternoons interview. There's a lot of emphasis on how awesome the boss fights will be, and I love the idea of being able to once again go head to head against Shaper, Maven, Cortex, etc. in a different arena with new mechanics to learn. Has Jonathan or anyone from the PoE 2 team commented on this yet?

Last bumped on Mar 13, 2024, 2:45:52 PM
Tala moana, exile!

I intend on asking about this and pushing on it a bit. I agree.

There's no reason someone like the Maven or Exarch in an improved version shouldn't be in POE2.
TempestMind wrote:

Was wondering this while watching Talkative Tri's recap of this afternoons interview. There's a lot of emphasis on how awesome the boss fights will be, and I love the idea of being able to once again go head to head against Shaper, Maven, Cortex, etc. in a different arena with new mechanics to learn. Has Jonathan or anyone from the PoE 2 team commented on this yet?


There was in some older interview. I don't remember exactly how it was, but it was something like: it won't be but who knows what future will bring.
If you ask me, it will be some league after beta which add some of them.
"End of March makes 3 months and 21 days which is almost 4 months and not 3 1/2, get your math right hoho."
Would be pretty lame tbh, should have new bosses and not recycled ones.
I could see them added as an event, or for a league, but doubt they'll be core in poe2.
Last edited by Rikku on Mar 13, 2024, 4:08:36 AM
I hope PoE 2 end game systems will be different from PoE 1 end game systems. I hope the mapping system is different too. I can't imagine grinding City Square maps in PoE 1 and PoE 2.

8 mod maps are the new alch and go.
No, unless they find an elegant way to weave most iconic ones (like Shaper) into new story. Also there should be a very good reason for bossses from PoE1 to present in PoE2.
I am not sure how I feel about bosses like Shaper/Elder coming back for PoE2. With their appearance inevitably we would have much of the same power structure again with e.g. Watchers Eye. Maybe if they also rework the rewards and add uniques fitting the new game they make sense

The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
PoE 2 being an entirely separate game with its own campaign bosses, I hope also has its own endgame bosses. Personally, I don't want to see the current PoE 1 endgame bosses in PoE 2. We need new refreshing content, not the same old rehashed ones.
I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D
TalkativeTri wrote:
Tala moana, exile!

I intend on asking about this and pushing on it a bit. I agree.

There's no reason someone like the Maven or Exarch in an improved version shouldn't be in POE2.

Hello sir! Thanks for all that you do. :)

For myself, I'm a bit of a lore scholar junky, so finding a way to revitalize the old guard in a new exciting way would be wonderful. I feel one foot in the past, and one foot in the future innovating would be a great way forward if it makes sense to the story, of course.

I know I'm in a minority, but I can't freaking wait to have a whole campaign worth of new story and lore to enrich what we already have. Log in!
I don't personally have any particular attachment to the current bosses and I don’t want the game to wallow in familiar ground for nostalgia’s sake. If they're new arenas and new mechanics there's no reason they need to be the same characters/entities at that point either. No need to lean on old celebrity bosses as a crutch; if they’re capable of making interesting/engaging monsters and characters and fights once, they’re capable of doing it again. If they weren’t, there wouldn’t be any point in POE2 existing anyway.

But pop culture loves a throwback, and GGG have let the Conquerors, Elder etc hang around in the game this far because people wanted to keep playing the fights rather than because they fit any particular narrative justification, so it would be no great surprise to see RETURN OF THE SON OF THE GHOST OF THE PLANET OF THE ELDER, PART 2: THE SHAPENING OF VENARIUS in a side-story expansion somewhere down the line, etc.

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