Rogue's Harbor, we need to talk.


I have always been a huge fan of Heist. The entire storyline, the mechanics, and how they reference main story elements in dialogue (one of my personal favorites is "Hey, it could be worse. Could be working for Piety" - from one of the random guards.)

Everything about Heist is great. It's my preferred content to run as I can just zone out without worrying about min maxing my entire playstyle. It is very casual player friendly.

I would like to offer one small bit for the team, but ultimately huge suggestion for the playerbase.

Can we please have solo instanced Rogue's Harbor?

There are some upsides and some downsides to this suggestion, so perhaps a hub where everyone can gather (Similar to Guild Hideout), vs. your own hideout would please everyone.

It could literally be a 1:1 copy and I'd be fine. No need to tweak it or anything of the sort. Just the NPC's, the contracts and we're good.

The main reason why I ask this is because it is a very flooded area. Similar to endgame Oriath prior to Karui Docks. Loads of players and their MTX slow down the game considerably for me, and others with weaker internet speeds. Having this as a solo instance would greatly help those in my situation and I'd argue would help increase immersion so you're not going through dozens of players to talk to an NPC, or hearing loud bears or troll minions going off 24/7 while taking in the ambience of the Harbor itself.

Minimal work required, huge rewarding experience for those that like to just zone out on our own.

Thank you for your consideration.
Last bumped on May 2, 2024, 4:43:18 AM
I wouldn't mind if we could just have Aadiyah and Kurai in our hideouts so we can do (grand) heists. We can also add a UI to Kurai so we can gear the rogues without needing to visit the harbor.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
Last edited by Pizzarugi on Dec 28, 2023, 10:22:29 PM
They really need to make rogue harbor a personal instance already, why is that a town yet menagerie,sanctum aren't? Makes absolutely no sense. And it would improve performance sooo much, I literally can't go anywhere near heist because it makes my PC heat up so much from all the people using MTX in rogue harbor.
I've been suggesting this for a while. I wasn't playing during heist league but apparently the rogue's harbour did used to be single player. No idea why they changed it to shared. It's easily the most congested area in the entire game and it can absolutely cripple PCs. All the other old league content is single player/party based now (delve, sanctum, bestiary, metamorph was, etc.), rogue's harbour should be too.
Actually not a bad idea. You'd instantly see less complaints about the Goblin Troupe too, so that's two birds with one stone really

No reason why they should have made rogue harbor a town after it was solo during Heist League, all the other similar league mechanic zones are solo. Make it solo again please.
Bumping yet again, it used to be a private instance during Heist league itself, its unbearable with all the mtx people there atm so we need this change badly.
Wait, what? Rogue's Harbor wasn't a solo instance in Heist league.

Day 1 there was player collision so you couldn't even get to your own stash 99% of the time because of all the other people in the way. Then some people realized they could hang out at the portal and literally deny anyone else entrance who didn't pay a toll.

According to Google, this took 0.4 seconds:

They really need to add this feature.
Last edited by Toforto on Jan 7, 2024, 7:20:40 AM
Bump until GGG sees this

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