Harvest gambling, boss bypassing and casino mentality


And for what it's worth: everyone I bought apothecary cards from this league was running Crimson Temple when I contacted them on a MF build.


I really wonder if MF is even necessary. Most Apos drop from chests anyway they are not affected by player mf.
OP, as you have noticed whole PoE game is based on casino-style RNG. You earn little and your whole success relies on "hitting big".

I can't say who exactly, but we all know who, doesn't want this game to be a normal game with sane levels of effort for the outcome. Instead you grind like a job or get lucky. Every league content relies on you being stupidly lucky to even try it's endgame version of league content.

This game would have been superb if single player (and SSF) experience was put on the front, with economy being second and casino-mentality scrapped away. But instead GGG always focuses on casino-RNG (lowest lows, highest highs) first and foremost and then just adjusts the drops so they'd feel like you won a lottery when you find anything, which can only be sustained in short-lived economies where more than 90% of players work as low-wage farming drones for the rest of players.

The reason why we have harvest gambling is because GGG knows how ridiculous RNG they have cooked up.... and instead of fixing it, they just slap another RNG on it telling you "hit big, or go home", cause farming for full set of cards without gambling is pretty much insane with those odds.

I sometimes imagine how amazing this game would be as offline game with league-modules and mods, rather than a job simulator.
Last edited by deothor on Oct 28, 2023, 6:49:00 AM
Out of my last 30 magebloods one came from hota reward, one came from a void key and 28 came from gambling.
People really underestimate how many cards are made by gambling.
I will put it this way, in 20 minutes i made 96 house of mirror cards from four of them.
Last edited by plaguefear on Dec 7, 2023, 2:53:43 AM
Regarding boss bypassing and the impact on boss fights, it's important for game developers to strike a balance between accessibility and challenge. When players can easily bypass boss encounters for valuable drops, it can diminish the sense of achievement in defeating those bosses.
Just putting this here. End of last league I took all my cards with rewards of 1 div or higher (including a doctor, fiend, apoth, etc) and had 17 distinct cards I was going to gamble with to try and get a full stack.

14 poofed on try 1
2 poofed on try 2
1 poofed after like 8 crafts not changing.

I've done smaller (3-4) groupings of similar probably 50 times total and have come out with a full stack maybe 4 times.

One was a mageblood, the others a divine or two (or exalt or two back when those were the good ones).

Needless to say, I may have made 150-200 div off doing that, but can tell you I've lost 5-10 times that over the course of the last couple years.

So either I have the absolute worst luck of anyone who has ever lived ever, or maybe they understand that overall, the house wins and it's a currency sink, not a broken OP mechanic.
I know this is an old thread, but given the talk of "chase" items coming from gambling rather than natural drops, it's interesting to see what Valdo's Puzzle Box added into the mix.

I just searched trade, and currently there are 397 Magebloods listed for sale.

Only 167 of them - a little over 40% - are not foil.

I'd certainly heard anecdotally that Valdo's had inflated the supply of chase uniques, but it's very interesting to see that even in a league where the league mechanic spews out uniques, nearly 60% of the Magebloods for sale are foils, from Valdo's maps, Reliquary keys, etc.
It sounds like you're frustrated with some aspects of the game that involve gambling mechanics and bypassing boss fights. It's understandable to feel disappointed when certain elements cheapen the gaming experience.
Games should be enjoyable and rewarding, and when mechanics like these detract from that, it can be frustrating.
If you're looking for more information or resources on gaming and gambling, you might find us.onlinegamblers.com helpful. They offer insights and guidance on various aspects of online gaming, helping you make informed decisions.
Last edited by madmaddystoker on Mar 29, 2024, 9:52:35 AM
st0rmie wrote:
I know this is an old thread, but given the talk of "chase" items coming from gambling rather than natural drops, it's interesting to see what Valdo's Puzzle Box added into the mix.

I just searched trade, and currently there are 397 Magebloods listed for sale.

Only 167 of them - a little over 40% - are not foil.

I'd certainly heard anecdotally that Valdo's had inflated the supply of chase uniques, but it's very interesting to see that even in a league where the league mechanic spews out uniques, nearly 60% of the Magebloods for sale are foils, from Valdo's maps, Reliquary keys, etc.

3.23 and valdo maps definitely made mageblood a lot more accessible, that's why they indirectly nerfed it in 3.24 by changing elemental flasks to give max resist instead of 20% less <ele> damage taken. Also the -25% mana cost betrayal craft is removed, this was especially powerful with mageblood.
Regulator wrote:
Harvest divination card gamble: an actual intented duping mechanic, why and how is that still in the game?
It really cheapens the actual gaming experience and the game as a whole, nothing that drops is exciting anymore, headhunter/mb/nimis etc drops used to mean something, now we are literally printing them with gambling. In the cases of boss drops its even worse, first you made divination cards to bypass the boss drop and with the dupe you stop even doing the boss. Not to mention the gambling addiction and what that means for your game.

You fixed many "problematic" harvest interactions and yet this toxic, actually degenerate gambling craft is still in?

Btw speaking of bypassing boss fights for their drops, in HC ancestor there are literally more voidborn reliquary key Hateforge and Mahuxotl's items than actual drops from the Trialmaster, how is that even something you are ok with? Cant you see the harmful casino mentality ?

Actually dissapointing state, even if the game besides those and some other matters is still superb.

But gambling is a core of POE

Unlike, let's say, garve crafting, which lowers gambling by A LOT. And other similar crafts too.
Auctioneer House - is a MUST!
Regarding the topic at hand, I think the latest updates have really spiced things up. The devs seem to be on point with addressing player feedback, and it's cool to see how the game keeps evolving. Personally, I'm digging the new mechanics—they add a fresh twist to the gameplay without making it feel too overwhelming.

Also, if anyone's into exploring new gaming experiences beyond PoE, I recently checked out Slot77 Online. It's got a decent variety of games, and I found it pretty chill for those times when you want a break from all the monster slaying and loot hunting.
Last edited by Paystaren on Jul 17, 2024, 4:58:43 AM

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