Fusing Six Link Fun (Tell us your sad 6L story.)

If i really want something 6 linked i always go for the benchcraft, i know my luck is rotten to the core so the more important a 6 link is for me the lower are my chances of getting it. I did end up 6 linking 2 items while trying to 5 link them though, one voidforge and one restless ward or how that bone armor is called. Don't know how many tries, somewhere in the low hundreds.
I tried fusing a 6L bow with 28% quality this league, first wasted ~600 fusings, then ~500, then ~600, then ~500, then I bought 1500 fusings and used the benchcraft.
Turtledove wrote:
Been playing since 2013, I've made many many six links. It is kind of a strange activity now. Used to be rare and a 6L was a luxury. Now it's a requirement that GGG has decided will go away in PoE2.

I never use the 1500 fusing crafting bench to 6L. Usually it only takes a few hundred fusings, rarely over 1500. Three times I've gone way over that. My first 6L took a little over 3000. Then one a few years ago took about 3500. On my current attempt, I've currently used all my 4000 fusings and still don't have a 6L. HAHAHAHAHAHA. I find it absolutely hilarious. I already converted most of my alterations and jewelers. I guess I could get a few more by converting the rest of my scrolls, augumatations, transformations, and the rest of my alterations. But I think I'll give up instead. :-)

Would you be interested in sharing your sad 6L story?

as someone who plays mostly ssf now i HATE the 6l rng and think its a literal joke

ive 6l in as few as 15 and as many as 4500
its stupid cannot wait for it to be gone
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I never 6linked a item myself
but last league i had 1500 fusings

... and no reason to use them.
Still got PSD from my 800es elder chest some years ago. after 2500 fusings I got so mad that i bought the 6L prophecy.
Since then, I never 6L'ed an item myself.
You say Prison Cell, I hear 'Holiday'.
I have had some luck over the years.
LoK was my best with 3 6L rolled within 500 fusings total.
I have had some terrible luck too :)
This league, I wanted a particular weapon 6L so I went bench craft.
~ Adapt, Improvise and Overcome
Glorfndel01 wrote:
I six linked in 23 fusings last league

No shit.

Very sad story for those who play the endless fusing game

I've been playing for a few years now and haven't gotten a 6 L yet. Have only had 10 orbs of fusing at one time, solo mode has not been lucky for me. This game is difficult and not very much fun. Just my 2 cents.

Good luck to everyone that plays.

danw987 wrote:
I've been playing for a few years now and haven't gotten a 6 L yet. Have only had 10 orbs of fusing at one time, solo mode has not been lucky for me. This game is difficult and not very much fun. Just my 2 cents.

Good luck to everyone that plays.

Well, if you play solo mode, you make the game harder than it is already. complaining then that the game is difficult is... strange.

Besides that, PoE was never meant to be a mainstream game and that's, at least for a significant part of the community, a reason why they play this game. Even if I don't agree with every design decision, I enjoy the game all in all.
You say Prison Cell, I hear 'Holiday'.
The cost of 6 linking an item is 1500 with the possibility to gamble. Never heard anyone complaining about winning the gamble though. If you go to gamble with the expectation to always win, I've bad news for you.

btw: 6-linked my first dropped 6 socket armor with 5 fusings this league in SSFR. But I built a shrine for that in my HO and was wearing a PoE T-Shirt, so it wasn't really a gamble.

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