Core Supporter Packs Concept Art - Chronomancer

Looks like some inspiration from the newest FFXIV PvP series set False Monarchy, not a bad thing, I like it!
sumfight wrote:
They all look pretty good! I think I do like the first one with the purple the most though.

Maybe "the purple concept" eventually became the voidborn.
Path of Warframe.

The search for a normal neck size continues...
"Never trust floating women." -Officer Kirac
Once again, have to make a point that this is the best core series yet.
IGN: JerleNecroDD/JerleNecroRuthless
Harvest is the BEST league EVER. Deterministic crafting ftw.
GGG, pls extend the forum badge display limit please T_T
I hate seeing concept arts and seeing what the mtx could of been, since most of the concepts look better then what we got.
The first and 3rd one look so much better then the one that was chosen.
Last edited by firenovix on Jan 29, 2023, 11:53:07 PM
Beautiful MTX.
But what do you think improving the optimization of your game so that your players can play with maximum graphics quality instead of low? So can enjoy your MTX .....
Last edited by kenbak on Jan 30, 2023, 3:50:04 AM
firenovix wrote:
I hate seeing concept arts and seeing what the mtx could of been, since most of the concepts look better then what we got.
The first and 3rd one look so much better then the one that was chosen.

I agree. For me the 3rd one is the best.
The purple one looks awesome
For the pic with four sets, I like the first (purple) and the last (dark).
As for the one with three, I like the first and last. Dark with bits of gleam looks better.
I just realized that the back-port on the armor shares a design with the motif for the amulet and sorcerers in Dr. Strange, also to do with time.
Last edited by Zefernaire on Jan 30, 2023, 3:17:58 PM

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