3.23 EXPLOSIVE ARROW BALLISTA ELEMENTALIST - League-Start to End-Game. Easy mode.

ok guys,

This is getting pretty crazy!!!...

Doing some simple swapping of gear, I have gone from about 14mill ignite DPS, to now 42.7MILLION Ignite Damage Per Second.


This is what the Eater of Worlds looks like at 42million ignite DPS.. just watch his life pool MELLLLTTTTT!!!!!


This is the POB for this video: https://pastebin.com/GZcwMhAL

It's not even min-maxed... there are many things I could do to min-max, but I am cheap and don't like spending $$... so probably won't bother.

Personally, I like Polaric Devastation ring for me as it helps me cap my cold resistance. Emberwake shows a 1million ignite DPS increase but that would be negligible for me.
Last edited by brunowa on Feb 13, 2022, 7:28:12 PM
Can someone please help me with this build? I'm currently running it and while it clears really well I am finding I am extremely squishy, perhaps I just don't understand the defences of the build (I haven't played in the last couple of leagues)
I am dying constantly which is making it impossible to progress into higher tier maps
azrorz wrote:
Can someone please help me with this build? I'm currently running it and while it clears really well I am finding I am extremely squishy, perhaps I just don't understand the defences of the build (I haven't played in the last couple of leagues)
I am dying constantly which is making it impossible to progress into higher tier maps

Main things are:
1) Ensure resistances are capped
2) Build a big life pool
3) Get spell suppression to 100% or as close to as possible
4) Run all your auras - Determination, Grace, Purity of Elements, these are massive defensive buffs
5) Put Molten Shell on left click
6) Use Armour and Evasion flasks if you need to build up phys mitigation and evade chance.

Check your Defence tab for what you are missing. You are probably missing a lot of the above.
brunowa wrote:
ok guys,

This is getting pretty crazy!!!...

Doing some simple swapping of gear, I have gone from about 14mill ignite DPS, to now 42.7MILLION Ignite Damage Per Second.


This is what the Eater of Worlds looks like at 42million ignite DPS.. just watch his life pool MELLLLTTTTT!!!!!


This is the POB for this video: https://pastebin.com/GZcwMhAL

It's not even min-maxed... there are many things I could do to min-max, but I am cheap and don't like spending $$... so probably won't bother.

Personally, I like Polaric Devastation ring for me as it helps me cap my cold resistance. Emberwake shows a 1million ignite DPS increase but that would be negligible for me.

Nice build, look a bit squishy for mapping but still. I had thoughts about malevy but only with mageblood to fix some immunities after dropping purity.

I have advice on how to legally increase the number in your PoB even more xD, you took Shaper of Storms and Elemental Mastery wheel that gives 30% + 40% inc non-damaging ailments, you should put it here if i'm not mistaken:

hehe thanks man!

These videos are just funnnn.

Check this Black Star one... 5 SECOND KILL!:


brunowa wrote:
hehe thanks man!

These videos are just funnnn.

Check this Black Star one... 5 SECOND KILL!:



What can you say about my build? What is worth fixing? I'm actually not a very good poe player and honestly I don't understand where and how to farm so much currency...
YukitoEiri wrote:
brunowa wrote:
hehe thanks man!

These videos are just funnnn.

Check this Black Star one... 5 SECOND KILL!:



What can you say about my build? What is worth fixing? I'm actually not a very good poe player and honestly I don't understand where and how to farm so much currency...

You look like you're doing ok... still a work in progress obviously. But what exactly do you want pointers on?

It looks like you have the right idea... you just need to keep farming and upgrading your gear. You're on the right path.

There are many ways to farm currency. You need to find the content you enjoy doing and farm that. Anything you don't need, sell.

Selling the new Eldritch currency and items with good implcitis might be a good start. But that's just one option.
brunowa wrote:
@exec85, here you go


This is actually updated from that last vid. My next post (on next page) shows a new vid with it for Eater of Worlds.

Awesome thanks!

Oh and just for clarification- I need x added cold damage or lightning on a item to procc EE right?
Last edited by exec85 on Feb 14, 2022, 2:31:45 AM
brunowa wrote:
YukitoEiri wrote:
brunowa wrote:
hehe thanks man!

These videos are just funnnn.

Check this Black Star one... 5 SECOND KILL!:



What can you say about my build? What is worth fixing? I'm actually not a very good poe player and honestly I don't understand where and how to farm so much currency...

You look like you're doing ok... still a work in progress obviously. But what exactly do you want pointers on?

It looks like you have the right idea... you just need to keep farming and upgrading your gear. You're on the right path.

There are many ways to farm currency. You need to find the content you enjoy doing and farm that. Anything you don't need, sell.

Selling the new Eldritch currency and items with good implcitis might be a good start. But that's just one option.

True, I have a problem with auras, in order to launch all 5 auras, I spent 3 extra skill points. Can you suggest how to fix this situation?
brunowa wrote:

Doing some simple swapping of gear, I have gone from about 14mill ignite DPS, to now 42.7MILLION Ignite Damage Per Second.

Hey, clicking convergence and setting Fuses to 20, even though you only reach 15 is cheating ;)

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