Save the Date for Upcoming December Events

Endless Delf! Word!
not hyped at all if you do that the past league i will get hype because the league mechanic last laegue was trash but this league its very fun so thoose 10 day event... i dont like it at all and is a bad decision to do that this league !
IMO some of this events need special rules. Whats the point of Endless Delve in Softcore? xD . At least limit death counter to 100 or s'mthing...

also you should give extra free strongbox everyone who will play 24th and 31th events xD . Those people... they literally have no family and no friends. They will feel a bit better in those days xD
Not for me. No chance to win, it's always the same people who are in the top 5.
Too many events. Fix the "challenge/reward "ratio of scourge first.

The improvment in buffering from start of scourge is great, we need more core improvments (no more stupid inexplicable deaths) and more QoL. Many of those could be sellable as microtransactions.
It's been ages since GGG put out a Royale patch. Are you seriously happy with the current state of Royale?! It still needs so much work. It's not just VERY snowball-y, but it's not even fun until you get a decent skill AND support gem combo, a couple early passives and a movement skill. And since most players die before reaching that point, it's just not fun at all for most people. They need to give a movement skill at start, as well as key support gems - both of whose level requirement needs to be brought down to 1. If Royale was fun, more people would play it, alleviating the server issues (though reducing the minimum required number of players would also be a welcome change).
looking forward to gauntlet and endless delve . will be a lot of fun
Been waiting for endless delve. Thank you!
It's time for some Rock and Stone!
...Oh yeah endless Delve is cool too!
To accept a challenge from the Void is merely suicide for the unprepared.

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