3.14.1 Patch Notes

vojnovod wrote:
I'd like to see you play the game without investing a single Euro/Dollar/whatever currency u use into it.
IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to play for free, due to the simple reason that you cannot sell items to other players. Also, you wouldn't be able to store your currency in the free stash alone, not to mention anything else useful. This whole free2play argument is old and I dont buy it, I doubt anybody else does either.

How come people play SSF if they can't sell to other players? How come people use mules (apparently just like you)?
You might reconsider your understanding of "free 2 play". Yes, Stashtabs make this game much more comfortable in terms of storing your things, but are you able to play this game without paying anything? Yes, you don't have to pay anything to test this game before deciding to pay for stashtabs. So your doubt, that noone does think this game is f2p is simply wrong. It's just short for "free 2 play with the option to invest for qol if you want to keep playing" which is - compared to other games - a good concept if you ask me.

vojnovod wrote:
As far as suggestions go... Hire some extra people to sort out the texture streaming issues. Fire the guy who invented "Stone Circles" mode.

You want your criticism to be taken seriously? Just stop write such polemic nonsense. As if any economic decision to hire/fire someone would ever be made based on single in-game issues.
Arf! Arf! Arf!
Enabled the Razor Dance Ultimatum modifier.

Nice. Can finally call this league quits after getting the nose dive kamikaze bird.

Will probably still test a few self brewed builds till early maps but not playing this any serious anymore.

League rewards feel lackluster and interacting with the league mechanic involves multiple layers of RNG to spawn the shit-talker dude.

Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
the trade system badly needs to be fixed by making items for sale expire after a week or so. if you want to sell it, list it again. that will also remove the trade squatters that list items way too high or too low to just flood trade with their items that will never sell. i think that would be WAY more important than the music for sirus. i mean really??? the boss music is more important that actual game issues???
poe is going down fast. Diablo 4 and Baldur's Gate 3 have no performance issues. play them instead
To be fair, "Rare" means Rare, not an "endless supply of shock troopers".
Allow players to make full potato graphics. Im poor and my pc is struggle.
since my last post was deleted i write a new one:

thanks for the update but it doesn't solve the problems with the game
invisible monsters and attacks everywhere (maven, sirus,...)
Ultimatum is pretty unrewarding and way to deadly
No compensation for the horrible leaguestart? (maybe 5 mistery boxes for everyone?)
no map drop even tho my atlas is completed
a lot of game crashes and huge lags
to name a few problems you should address
Crashes still occur.
fix harvest spawn rates of crafting seeds... you guys said that the rare seeds would have a similar spawn rate as before, but most people haven't found any yet, this is ridiculous
also the texture streaming, is this how you want new people to watch the games on streams? you guys didn't wanted to allow us to reduce graphics because it would make the game look bad on streams, but yet forced a feature like this on everyone
No real fix to the core bugs such as texture streaming, bosses and invisible shots and mobs... fix it pls
vojnovod wrote:
I'd like to see you play the game without investing a single Euro/Dollar/whatever currency u use into it.
IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to play for free, due to the simple reason that you cannot sell items to other players. Also, you wouldn't be able to store your currency in the free stash alone, not to mention anything else useful. This whole free2play argument is old and I dont buy it, I doubt anybody else does either.

How come people play SSF if they can't sell to other players? How come people use mules (apparently just like you)?
You might reconsider your understanding of "free 2 play". Yes, Stashtabs make this game much more comfortable in terms of storing your things, but are you able to play this game without paying anything? Yes, you don't have to pay anything to test this game before deciding to pay for stashtabs. So your doubt, that noone does think this game is f2p is simply wrong. It's just short for "free 2 play with the option to invest for qol if you want to keep playing" which is - compared to other games - a good concept if you ask me.

vojnovod wrote:
As far as suggestions go... Hire some extra people to sort out the texture streaming issues. Fire the guy who invented "Stone Circles" mode.

You want your criticism to be taken seriously? Just stop write such polemic nonsense. As if any economic decision to hire/fire someone would ever be made based on single in-game issues.

I am not going to get too much into this, but just to clarify what I consider Free to Play. Games such as Dota2 and League of Legends are F2P. Why? In Dota2 you don't need to pay a single dollar/euro to receive the FULL game, with ALL of its functions, bar some statistical analysis options. Paying money is only for cosmetics and does not influence gameplay. LoL is not exactly the same, in the sense that you need to unlock characters yourself, chars that you can pay real money to unlock, HOWEVER you can also unlock with ingame currency. If it was possible to buy/upgrade core game elements such as stashes for ingame currency, I would totally agree this is a Free to Play game, but that is not the case.

And forgive me for being slightly dramatic on the issue of the Ultimatums. I think everybody is upset about their mechanics for one reason or another. And although I may not have been serious before, if I were GGG I would seriously consider why people are so pissed with it. Fixing it this league may not be possible it seems, but acknowledging it's faults and accepting the fact you made a boo-boo might at least show people you care about the state of the game? This same thing goes for the texture streaming as well. At least TELL us that ur working on it?

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