New and Changed Gems in Path of Exile: Ultimatum

does ancestral bond prevent the buff from corrupting blood from applying damage if you apply it with a skill yourself?
Standard IGN: Spinnemann, illscratchyourback, Daresso_Reborn. Best regards
Reap Skill Gem already got nerf before league start, sad
"All that fancy sword swinging when all you need is one good stab."
yakoob wrote:
yakoob wrote:
Still can't tell what cruelty does. No relevant numbers for toxic rain. No info about minion instability, are minions gonna go boom on 50% now instead of 35?

"Added a new Strength/Intelligence Support Gem - Cruelty: Supports skills that hit enemies, causing them to deal more damage with hits. You also gain a Cruelty buff, which makes all supported skills deal up to 50% more damage over time, based on the amount of damage of the initial hit."

Nice copypasta. Keywords "up to" "ammount" "initial hit". Yeah still can't tell. Can you? Is it like shock but for DoTs only? Then you'll never see that 50%.

"I still can't tell what Cruelty does"

That's what you said. I just linked you what Cruelty actual does because it's clear. What isn't clear is the numerical values of the buff itself, but what the buff does is clear, in my opinion at least.
PraiseMine wrote:
Reap Skill Gem already got nerf before league start, sad

As i know, from beggining was certain that was up to 5 charges
Where is glacial hammer?? D:
PraiseMine wrote:
Reap Skill Gem already got nerf before league start, sad

The second part is not a nerf. The limit wasn't displayed in the preview, but it already existed. It was asked about in the QA or the podcast (I forget which).

Plus, the damage per charge was increased.

It now has better single target at the cost of slightly reduced clear.
no changes to vaal ancestral warchief?
Was the change to Toxic Rain's overlap AoE scaling dropped, as it can't be seen here in these changes? If not, can you give us more detail on how exactly AoE scaling is going to affect single target dps now? Will increased Area of Effect still lead to more (albeit less than before) overlaps or will average single target dps essentially always be the same?

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