I died because the game crashed while loading an area (In hardcore btw)

Umbraal wrote:
The bug was that the invincibility when you enter an area is longer than the log-out time if you're dced. By the game crashing I was dced and not in the area. I didn't get logged out at all and it would take any drowned at least 15 seconds to reach me because of how slow they moved and then significantly longer to kill me.

The bug is that the automatic log out failed to trigger.

When you enter a new area there is actually a 40 second delay before the automatic logout timer kicks in. This is because some lower end computers struggle when loading new areas, and they were being disconnected whenever they tried to change areas. Once we have fixed that problem we will be able to reduce or remove the initial delay.

We may also look at adding a client side option to disable the delay, so that people who don't suffer from the disconnects on changing area can benefit from the automatic logout timer sooner.

Thanks for the report, and sorry for your loss.

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