Development Manifesto: Game Balance in Path of Exile: Harvest

It is lazy design to "buff" builds by nerfing other builds. The non lazy design is to constantly evolve your game by adding harder content to match the growth of player power. I ve been posting this for years. This design team's approach is one of the laziest i ve encountered. And not just with refusal to correctly buff builds and increase content diff but even mob design is mostly dull.
It is not that i dont enjoy playing and i did enjoy delirium. But still, design laziness at its finest to smack DW with a nerf (which i ll manage through) solely for purposes of buffing 2h......

So freaking lazy.....
Shitysushi - Arrow shooting build.
Sendeliriante - hollow palmer
They nerf all builds that work except the ones played by the highest dollars spent demographic because profits.

Its trivial for them:

* Take top X% paid of paying accounts.
* Tag cloud all forum posts made by those accounts.
* Give them everything they want, even if what they explicitly want hurts everyone else.

This is how they are able to ignore everyone, why they don't need player base input. It's a dirt simple algorithm for infinite profits.

This game is pay to win in the most insidious way possible.
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
Patte505 wrote:
lkenpachi wrote:
stop crying babys :)
and GGG great job with this balance. Well done!!

p.s.: I loved sooo much this indirect HH nerf <3

why you love to see something getting nerfed?

isnt gaming about to play what you love/like and not to see others experience getting shit on?!

i never cared about something getting nerfed cause its strong and other ppl playing it...
id rather looked at the builds i play and like /dislike the changes...

and if i look at your chars... 1 hast still self curse stuff equiped without a belt... means you played HH self curse yourself...
with an explody chest... so its not that long ago...


besides dont even have many chars and the average char level is around 91-92 and badly equiped... so you dont even play much i would say...

all i can see here, let me think you are just another person who sees strong builds other ppl play and start flaming, cause you dont can...

seeing you had 5 challenges in delirium completed proves all that...
even if you dont go for challenges, 5 is like just creating a char a playing a little...

i hate it...

....disgusting person....

I agree with this man and that is why the other pathetic person just completed 5 achievements of the 40 ones OMEGALUL
nGio wrote:
Zanazel wrote:
Xenombra wrote:
It make me smile to see people cry when don't see the number change and didn't try how the game will feel with those change. Most people cry that the build they use is broken, but can you try something else? Always doing the same thing over and over might be boring at some point.

Why did you quite PoE?
It was boring always doing the same thing...
Did you try an other build?
No I don't want to change, my build is op and I'm rich.
Why not? You are bore anyway?
Cry cry... I don't want... Cry cry!
Ok Snowflake, go back to play Diablo 3!


A casual player circle jerking another casual player about how end game builds and diversity should be gutted for meta slaving. What happened to the PoE community?

These comments from those players who didn't get more than 24 league achievements (which means they didn't know the new game difficulty) don't matter on this threat :D
Last edited by darkzerox9 on Jun 17, 2020, 12:17:47 AM
Got it from reddit:

Freeman11 wrote:
That is not fixing or nerfing Archmage, thats simply killing it.
Very quick calc without having all the number say that I simply lose over 60% of my build's dps.

That is a bit boring as it was a fun mechanic to build around, and it did need some investment. Sure I could agree fine with the item changes and a slight gem nerf, but this is just sad.

Be glad that only 60%.

With this "balance" bullshit with over 150ex of investment I will be dropped to barely 4.5k es (from 8k) with barely 400 es regen, and damage is dropped by 90%, -30% cast speed, -35% crit chance and I cant even sustain the mana just to mention the big stuff. So it is just unplayable. Not just not endgame, but not game viable. So it is nice to see my 10exish necromancer has more tankiness and do things faster than a build with 150ex...
Last edited by Lethalis8805 on Jun 17, 2020, 7:29:08 AM
iGanc wrote:
Love balance and all, but this one literally feels like almost everything on the list are nerfs. Anyone else?

Literally just got back into the game, Delirium was fun, but needed the entire league to test three characters and get back into the groove, and now all my plans are ruined. Meh?

Welcome to the Path of Nerfs. The only purpose of every league to make the rich and the streamers even more rich, while putting down everyone else.
sendantes wrote:
It is lazy design to "buff" builds by nerfing other builds. The non lazy design is to constantly evolve your game by adding harder content to match the growth of player power. I ve been posting this for years. This design team's approach is one of the laziest i ve encountered. And not just with refusal to correctly buff builds and increase content diff but even mob design is mostly dull.
It is not that i dont enjoy playing and i did enjoy delirium. But still, design laziness at its finest to smack DW with a nerf (which i ll manage through) solely for purposes of buffing 2h......

So freaking lazy.....

Just need to mention that "buffing 2h" in their perspective means to nerf the 2h weapons and wreck skills build around them. So I somehow dont see the overall buffs for 2h-
The changes seem fine. There was no reason for Cyclone to get free stun immunity when no other skill does that.

Only thing that is probably over the top a bit is the 30% phys attack dual wield nerf. You need two good weapons to make use of dual-wield and shields are usually way cheaper than a good weapon. So for all the extra investment you just get 10% more attack speed. That's probably not enough to consider dual-wielding instead of just using a shield that can add defense as well as extra damage.
Well thats what GGG been really made of...
From 10 ppl 9 just disagree with those new upcoming "buffs and balances", but ofc. they just dont care, till everyone is keep funding them with load of money. They are more than happy with the streamers and notorious supporter-packers.

I was here since 1.11 with a few skips, went through of different new mechanics and "balancing" patches, saw fun builds got killed with a single move(just a few iconic like ST, shatterchuck or Zerphi's bodyswap VD madness from back then) but sadly this is the point where I got disgusted more than ever.

It was fun for a good chunk of time, with mixed feelings. Now it is the same... somehow bittersweet, but it is time to move on and leave once and for all.

So good luck to everyone with the upcoming leagues and patches!

As my final words, I just really hope that once this game will shine again as bright as before and not goes on with this overcomplicated and poor game design and with this "path of nerfs" mentality.

And the most reliable question from the game:
"Still sane, Exile?"
Last edited by Lethalis8805 on Jun 17, 2020, 9:29:12 AM

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