[Free Boss Carry] Sirus Atziri and more!

aw8 streamed.

Thank ya sir!
Thank you so much! I was down to my last two portals on the sirus fight, first time I ever fought him this league and I couldn't beat the final phase.
He advertised in global 820, I took my chance to whisper him and he joined and beat sirus in a matter of seconds! Thanks again!

Dropped a crown of the inward eye here!
Super helpful and super quick. Highly recommend!
Replied and did fight within 5 minutes. Left my awakened Unbound Ailments and loot on the ground like a boss. Would totally vouch for the guy

Thanks again my man appreciate it !
very nice and very fast. i can only recommend your services. thx again
Nice fast Sirus A8 run! Thanks!
Honest and quick Sirus A8 Run. <3

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