PlayStation 4 Release Date: March 26th

FlowerWraith wrote:
You all who say a delay on PS4 is such a tragedy forget there's not too many free games on PS4, even fewer that aren't pay to win or are worth playing long-term. Add to that Neverwinter (one of the few) is about to launch a game-killing mod on pc with the PS4 release not long after, so whenever POE launches, no matter how long players had to wait, people will try it. I'm kind of curious as to whether playing POE with a controller will stress my shoulder less than the mouse does on pc.

It should do unless you use a controller in a strange way, I find a controller far more relaxing to use.
Washac wrote:
It should do unless you use a controller in a strange way, I find a controller far more relaxing to use.

It can vary based on a number of things. In my case controller use can stress my shoulder more, but mouse-use tends to cause different problems in my hands and wrists.

When I use a mouse, my palm rests on the surface top so it ends up supporting the entire weight of my arm. The result is that my arm is able to fully relax, and my shoulder doesn't do any work at all, though I start suffering problems with my wrist.

When I use a controller, I hold the controller with both hands, but the controller itself doesn't rest on anything: I keep it slightly lifted at all times. This means that the entire time I play I'm holding an object that has tangible (albeit low) weight to it, and the strain of doing that over long sessions tends to be borne in my elbow, arms and shoulders.

That said, since I'm not restricted to being sat on an uncomfortable chair at my computer-desk (because my PC can't connect to my TV, and my mouse is wired), the ability to more easily alter my posture and seating position when using a controller at a console prevents or alleviates other conditions that can arise such as a stiff/painful back or neck and aching/restless legs so it's far more preferable for me to be using the controller.

But I suppose if you're going to sit for >10 hours a day playing a game, like I do on a daily basis, you're going to end-up suffering no matter what you use or how you use it.
This was almost enough for me to buy PS4, then I figured out there is no single-screen multiplayer & no cross-platform play so it kinda defeats the purpose of this enabling me to play PoE with my woman.
The Gateway Selection Feature for Path of Exile on Consoles

Just a quick update for our console community: the team has almost finished the gateway selection feature. We expect it to be implemented approximately within a week, after we complete its testing.
Last edited by Pobatti on Mar 21, 2019, 5:34:00 AM
Bunch of officially answered questions about PS4 release and game for who did not notice about the AMA:
You can find all the condensed information from the AMA, as well as answers to many other questions on the PoE PS4 subreddit here.
Last edited by Yosakoi on Mar 21, 2019, 9:35:44 PM
Is there a partial rerelease download window?
ElCoyote_AB wrote:
Is there a partial rerelease download window?

They are wishing but its not all on their hands after now (seems). They said (AMA) they will announce it on here web site before release.
ElCoyote_AB wrote:
Is there a partial rerelease download window?

I hope so as this would help on release with PS4 users all trying to download it at the same time.
Last edited by Washac on Mar 22, 2019, 7:06:18 AM
I'm very excited to try Poe on my ps4, I also have a ps vita and wish to try playing in remote play. I was wondering if the rear touchpad will have the L2/R2 L3/R3 mapped to it? Rather than having L2/R2 on the touchscreen itself and L3/R3 being mapped to the rear touchpad.

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