Betrayal as a Core Game Mechanic

Mlvado wrote:
Why do you keep doing this to delve???
people loved the system, its OPTIONAL, its challenging, dont nerf sulphite scarabs, buff then, make then ALWAYS spawn 3 niko, let people do what they want to do, thats the idea of a video game, dont try to stop me from doing what i LIKE to do.

thats... sad.

Exactly my thoughts. Delving in it's current form is rather frustration than fun. Imagine setting up the perfect T16 map to use your scarabs with then end up with only one pile of sulphite.

But even if you are lucky and get 3 of them on a map, the maximum number you could get is around 12-16K and that is like 6-10 rounds on deeper levels, which isn't that much. Then the frustration starts over when trying to get more suplphite.

Delve should be a fun game mechanic, not a RNG fest for sulphite...
Nice Job GGG. Looking forward to play the betrayal mechanic in standart.
I am glad to see, that you dont listen to the army of outraging crybabys.
Perhaps for this playerbase you can create a mod on a seperate sealed of server where the monster delivery the exalted to their hideout and Shaper an Elder come around personaly to surrender.
"The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried." - Stephen McCranie

(me whining about not being able to delve as much as i want to)
IT saddens me that it seems like its getting "harder" to get into the delve, since sulphite scrabs aren't worth using...and niko encounters are that "rare".

(my feelings about delve)
Delve is by far one of the cooler expansions to path of exile..journey through the darkness...getting bitchslapped by hard bosses or a wave of monsters..i actually liked it alot, which i guess alot of ppl did and still does.

(my hopes for delve)
I hope that the increased % of times a (niko)master appear in a map, will make up for the nerf of the sulphite scarab.
Of that the price for scarrabs at least will be noticeably less it's still possible for casual plebs and ppl with less time for video games to go delving :)

i totally agree with the post from Magetears
juyevon wrote:
Nice Job GGG. Looking forward to play the betrayal mechanic in standart.
I am glad to see, that you dont listen to the army of outraging crybabys.
Perhaps for this playerbase you can create a mod on a seperate sealed of server where the monster delivery the exalted to their hideout and Shaper an Elder come around personaly to surrender.

Have fun in your Standard League.
Don't believe the Hype!
I enjoyed this league quite a bit.

Were there things I think that could use a little bit of adjusting though? Sure

The overall from betrayal was really good though
. I see people complaining about a few main things here.




Veiled mods

1)Difficulty: If you think that the league mechanic was too difficult, and your character couldn't do it or was repeatedly getting one-shot: I'd say thats a good indicator that you need to make a better character or improvements to the current one. I made 3 characters this league and only one would be considered "meta" (poets pen, golems, flicker) and none of them had any trouble with syndicate in 15s even. That said, I will say that my experience doesn't make it the general consensus but just as a rule of thumb with video games as a whole:

If the content is too hard, get better. Don't complain about it or want it nerfed. This mentality is a disease that has been plaguing video game design for a while now and it's sad tbh. Difficulty promotes longevity and long term satisfaction/sense of accomplishment, but I will agree that it has to be within reason because if not, the snowflakes complaining will just leave and that ends up losing developers money.

If you aren't a fan of the current league but love the game as a whole like we all do, just be patient and wait for the next one. GGG puts out content at a ridiculous pace, maybe you'll enjoy the next one more. It's literally impossible to please everyone at once.

You see all these posts filled with negativity, but people are more likely to be vocal when they don't like things. Don't overlook the fact though that the people complaining are the vast minority. People are much more vocal when they are unhappy about something than when they are happy with it. Ever work a customer service job? How often do people call to complain about things? 90% of the time, but that is by no means the majority of the customer base. No one ever calls in to customer service to be like "hey I just wanted to tell you guys that you are doing a great job"

Just because a majority of the posts here are bitching about betrayal, don't be deluded into thinking that a vast majority of the player base didn't have a blast playing this league.

2)Delve: I see the points given and agree with some of them, for instance the 3 nodes per map for Niko argument. However. 2 main things need to be remembered here.

Delve is an old league. It is not the current league mechanic nor will it be the next one. If you're sad that you can't just easily run delve full time, get over it. They didn't spend all the time and resources to make all this new content repeatedly for people to just run old content and bitch about not being able to completely avoid the newer relevant league content.

That said though, they do want to make it a "part" of the overall game experience and you have to take into consideration one major thing when complaining about this scarab/sulphite nerf.

The new league mechanic will include scarabs and sulphite in with it.

You can see in the screenshots they have posted already that there are scarabs above some of the memories as well as masters.

Before you all lose your shit, wait and see what actually happens in regards with the new league and drop rates first.

3)Rewards: I'm completely with everyone on this one though, the rewards for the mastermind were totally not worth even doing in relation to how it screws your board up in addition to how long it takes to unlock. With betrayal going core but the reduced spawns of the encounters, there is literally going to be no reason to ever do it. The "shuffle" of the board is just as bad as a full reset.

4)Veiled mods: I'd agree that the actual mechanical process of unveiling everything got a little tedious after a while. I do think that there is room for improvement on ways to streamline that process (think how they added the book to ID uniques in D3 instead of manually one by one).

The new crafting mechanics look amazing tbh though and it did make me think of one thing as a footnote.

All of these ridiculous new implicits, the fact that lab enchants don't override implicits anymore, and the overall reworking of a ton of skills along with the new additions leads me to this final thought.

The power creep is real with this coming expansion
, and to everyone crying about syndicate, it may not end up even being an issue. You should wait and see what they end up giving you before you start rioting about shit.

Funny how some noobish casual barely played the league, tells us we are all noobs. Did you ever play a T15-16 5-8 mod map while fighting a boss and Intervention pops up? Or Breach ends in a Fortification encounter
You know I had 2 98 and 1 level 100 this league and they have not been some cheap shitty glasscanon, I got at least 10+ times 1 shotted by the betrayal encounters. Let me guess all those HC 1 shots, those people have been noobs right?

Pathetic and bootlicking.
Thanks for posting this.

My personal retention in Betrayal was outstanding, I played more than any league before.
But that was despite the league mechanic, and because the game was in such a good state otherwise (Delve, Incursion).

Aside from all balancing changes (which sound reasonable), you did the worst thing you could do: remove the ability to lock the Syndicate in their research cellar.
That was the only thing Betrayal had on Bestiary.
Seriously, Einhar should be standing at the portal when you enter a map, spout "Let's go hunting, Exile!" and when you don't talk to him, no beasts spawn.

When I play the occasional meme build, I know I'll have to skip some things. Having too much shit in the game that can't be skipped takes away one style of playing the game from me.
Online delenda est:
When the lifecycle of PoE will draw to an end many years from now,
there needs to be a final patch making it available offline.
bruts wrote:
juyevon wrote:
Nice Job GGG. Looking forward to play the betrayal mechanic in standart.
I am glad to see, that you dont listen to the army of outraging crybabys.
Perhaps for this playerbase you can create a mod on a seperate sealed of server where the monster delivery the exalted to their hideout and Shaper an Elder come around personaly to surrender.

Have fun in your Standard League.

Oh, standard is not a league, you know? But thanks. I wish you fun as well.
"The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried." - Stephen McCranie
Last edited by juyevon on Feb 22, 2019, 3:24:03 AM
so , from now on we have to find every league the recipes again and again...
had nightmares about this. not fun !
Indertek wrote:
because running the bridge non stop to make 100000 chaos wasnt fun for me
Just don't do it then? Noone is forcing you to do it. It is game! Do the things that are fun.

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