So, 63% of playerbase are playing with two skills (arc, bv)

aphfid wrote:
MrsDeath_ wrote:
Blame streamers xd they market them and casuals do it.
Well i too play arc but it was my starter for 3 leagues now.
Another reason could be ; players dont like to experiment. For example i do have a set of build i do every league and i create 1 maybe 2 new builds at most.

Some people do like to experiment, but GGG policies around trading make it painful to experiment. It doesn't work very well to change from gems that are already levelled to one's from vendors. So that means having to engage with GGG's awful trading system. Usually one changes more than one gem at time - at least support gems, and may also change a few items to support gem changes. So "experimenting" turns into an hour of time wasted time "trading". By which time I don't feel like playing any more.

I mostly don't even bother selling because the trading system is so awful, so my experimenting is further limited by my very low budget. The item I have most recently been trying to buy is a basic yellow sceptre with lightning penetration. There are a few on trade, but none of the sellers are responding. So, given I can't get the item to test whether "Damage penetrates 13 lightning resistance" improves my toon, how am I supposed to "experiment"?

This league is particularly bad for those who like to experiment rather than take a canned build. The changes to sockets and the difference in difficulty between trash and progress mobs. They really should have upped the difficulty of the trash so the trash could at least be used for testing gear and gem changes so players can prepare for the harder mobs. Particularly since GGG are making some the harder mobs non-optional by positioning them so that they cannot be avoided if you want to progress.

It's not the fault of streamers that GGG has designed a "canned build" game and has a philosophy around trading that pre-dates even the dinosaurs.

It's a shame, because the game-play is mostly great. But the trading system just sucks all the fun out of experimenting, and is particularly bad this league. Normally it takes me about six weeks to quit a league, but I think I'll probably quit this one before the end of week one. This game is designed for canned builds, and following some-one else's step-buy-step instructions on where to put my points, what gear to buy and what gems to use isn't my idea of fun.

I agree with a lot of this. It's a serious issue when you rely on 3rd party developers to fix things that should just be in the game.

I'm sure many use macros to avoid death/use potions at once/call trade API in-game, use path of building to judge gear adjustments because it's impossible to do in game, and use external trading (the website here actually has a much nicer trade tool now, but it's still not in the game itself).

Some other games have a PvE arena if you will, where you can test your builds against bosses and other baddies. I'm sure a lot struggle with understanding mechanics that require going to multiple wiki sites and forums to actually digest. It's a lot of additional work that significantly reduces the fun factor of the game. Right now if you want to try flipping builds around in-game, it will take several hours to buy all the equipment through the broken trading system. If it's no good, waste of time.

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