GGG, PLease Make Top End Content Harder

Want a challenge? Play melee non crit 2h.

Just play non stupid broken shit and the game is challenging again

There is a VOID between stuff like poets pen or inpulsaanything and 2h non crit..

If you want something really difficult play sweep or one of the other dozen+ shit skills. Remember to pock RT

Devs nerf everything hard to toddler level unless we are talking about touhou playstyle and RNg grind.

Anyone now would have hard time playing poe 1.0+ when some fucking leaping frogs could 1 shot you or those a1 roahs could stunelock you.

Would op wish to comeback to that? I wish we would but GGG won t.

Poe Pvp experience
Last edited by Head_Less on Oct 21, 2018, 8:12:34 AM
sidtherat wrote:
Want a challenge? Play melee non crit 2h.

Just play non stupid broken shit and the game is challenging again

There is a VOID between stuff like poets pen or inpulsaanything and 2h non crit..

If you want something really difficult play sweep or one of the other dozen+ shit skills. Remember to pock RT

Yes this! Sidtherat’s like the only guy around here who makes sense anymore. The existence of broken OP shit is what’s killing the game, including making it boring for the most dedicated players.

BTW this is relevant to that other post on the front page about build balance - it DOES suck right now.

Try playing an off-meta build and you’ll realize that even with smart planning, good gear, and maximizing the resources available to you it can be a nice healthy challenge to clear 6k hp and 300k dps. I do it all the time, not bc I’m purposely gimping myself, but bc I’m trying to use mechanics/skills/classes/gear I find interesting or have never used before and GGG punishes me for it.

All our choice is an illusion right now, and the stark contrast of experiences between the OP being bored of god mode while hipsters like myself are struggling to do some 2h staff melee, or ice ele hit, or full bleed, or practically any berserker/assassin is a great example of this problem. Not to mention hybrid es/ar or es/ev. (Yeah i know ppl prolly have amazing builds in the categories I just listed but it took a lot of work or very specific setups with little wiggle-room.)

So these “game is too easy” threads are missing the fact that different builds provide vastly different difficulty levels.
We're all in this leaky boat together, people.
Last edited by demon9675 on Oct 21, 2018, 4:49:10 PM
i have no problem with this game being easy. some games are easy yet have a very long life span, easy does not mean 'bad'


if 'broken' is the new norm, there should be some SERIOUS changes to both skills/items and passive tree:

- remove all non-crit weapon bases from the game. these are WORTHLESS. except for special items like BLS there are pretty much no non-crit end-game 'viable' builds. if non-crit is by design SHIT then it is time to remove it from the game. games where player can auto-fail his build SUCK

- remove bottom-left part of the passive tree. it is non-crit related aka it is crap. there is exactly one cluster between marauder and duelist that is of any value - instant warcries. everything else is JUNK. again - remove auto-fail choices from the game.
current game has no place for non-crit 'tanky' builds. tankines is cool but you do not get tanky picking up %armour nodes - you cheeze it and 'classic' ways of getting tanky is the least worthwile

- if Blade Flurry and Blade Vortex are the new norm remove all skills that math-wise deal less than 80% of their damage. weaker and stronger is ok. 5 times stronger is just pathetic (BV vs ice nova)

- make a tutorial that correctly states that the best way to play is to pick physical, convert it to elemental and stack pen. playing pure phys is junk by design because you will ALWAYS deal more damage after conversion

this makes all phys-base spells outright BETTER than their lame pure elemental compatriots (glacial cascade vs ice nova or ice spear etc)

- remove mana. poets pen and/or triggers make best 'self' casters so why bother with these worthless points.

in short: once you grasp how this game 'works' (due to lack of better term) you see that it is EXTREMELY shallow if one goes for effectiveness. couple it with one dimensional content like Delve.. and here you are. for gamers who prefer metaOPshit this game is snorefest. for people who try to explore sidelines - it is impossible

btw. game was MUCH more complext in 1.0 than it is now. bloat of auto-picks and no-downside choices doesnt make game complex. POE 1.0 was very nicely done with much more space for creativity. current game looks complex and might be daunting but there is a reason why people kill uber elder on 50c budget or less

you can simply cheeze through it
This won't happen. Don t you see people don't wanna struggle when playing video games? Majority of people will protect their silly speed meta, oneshotting things left and right. This oneshotting fest will remain for the eternity in Poe. Delving is essentially exact same as mapping - as long as you hold that attack button and keep oneshotting stuff you are immortal. Fun for some, boredom fest for others
sidtherat wrote:
current game has no place for non-crit 'tanky' builds. tankines is cool but you do not get tanky picking up %armour nodes - you cheeze it and 'classic' ways of getting tanky is the least worthwile

You are being too extreme.
Although I do agree that getting 95%+ all res and 60%+ phys to elemental conversion ( dmg taken ofc ) is ridiculous and should not be a thing ( and kind of invalidates armour ), tanky builds who wants life/regen have many good nodes in this part of the tree.

And RF is freaking strong right now with the (fossil crafting, watcher's eye, etc ... ), obviously non-crit tanky build.

sidtherat wrote:
- make a tutorial that correctly states that the best way to play is to pick physical, convert it to elemental and stack pen. playing pure phys is junk by design because you will ALWAYS deal more damage after conversion

You know elemental hit, right ?
But I hear you about phys->ele conversion being super strong.

SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Larloch1821 wrote:

Baron01 wrote:
So, we all will be using selected few builds abusing certain mechanics to be able to play end-game? Poet's pen builds and Pathfinders will be plentiful.

Delving past 300 is a death sentence for melee, monsters do such crazy amount of damage below that point that normal defenses are no longer enough. You either kill monsters before they touch you or you risk dying.

That seems like a YOU problem because i can delve at 500-600 just fine, with very rarely dying. We are not talking 1000+ craziness, 600+ is suitable for most builds.

500-600 is not fine, not for melee character. Your only character at end-game in Delve is a ranged Occultist, ES, dual-curse, anti-hexproof. Not exactly character that would have to deal with any serious damage intake.

This character is perfect example of how Delve beyond 300 forces you to build--kill fast, do not let them touch you, disable them. I would love to have such luxury on my Juggernaut, 2 Blasphemy curses and a skill that allows me not get close to an enemy.

My Juggernaut just got 2hko-ed in Abyssal City by a magic Vaal Fallen mob--single monster I missed in the dark, I went to open those chests and suddenly I went from 100% to 50% to 0% in 1 second. My character has 6.4k life, had 7 end. charges up, lots of damage reductions from Ascendancy, some unbuffed 12k armor. I saw even more cases of absurd damage output in Delve, I got hit by those charging cat-like monsters in Delve for 5.5k HP with all of above defenses and Fortify on top of that. I have yet to see any map boss below T16 do that amount of damage.

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