Things people loathe about PoE

crunkatog wrote:
KiadawP wrote:

4) Not design with MP in mind. You can play MP for sure, just like you can do furniture shopping with a scooter, but like a scooter is not designed to carry big stuff, PoE is not designed for MP. The reason why I still play Diablo 3 (season only) is due to how fun it is playing with friends.
Matchmaking & individual loot (even Grim dawn has it) is not a thing in 2019?

Gonna second this, my mates and I find that the party scaling of xp, monster density, loot sharing, and even shared line-of-sight and map reveal are completely off; and the more players in your party, the worse it is. It's awful! If 90% of players are social gamers, why let the mechanics of multiplayer stay in such a state?

Not even touching on the connectivity issue, where one of the party members always gets booted from the instance when another party member loads in, wasting a portal and valuable time, and vice versa. This seems to happen only on maps and other places where you only get a max 6 portals!

Where do you get that "90% of players are social gamers" stat lol? More like vice versa. Pretty much everyone plays solo in PoE and the social aspect of gaming has been reducing year by year. We're becoming more and more atomized. Also PoE's performance is so garbo that most people couldn't play in party, even if they wanted.
Quit after Legion, rejoined PoE to see what the game's like now in 3.12.
Last edited by Paldamus on Apr 20, 2019, 4:49:27 PM

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