Path of Exile: Delve Patch Notes

bewilder2 wrote:
Cor_Blimey wrote:
Ghoulz666 wrote:

That shimmeron nerf zaps my balls. GG to that nonsense now.

Well - its not a compelte nerf. Its actually a positive change in some respects as you get to use movement skills without worrying about critting stuff

8 power charges * 200 * 2 (dual wield) = 3.2k dmg per sec.

At 75% res = 800 dmg per sec
At 80% res = 640 dmg per sec (e,g, from body armour slot or a purity or a flask)

Both those amounts are kinda easy to overcome through things like recovery from trap throws, a few % from tree, Mind over matter mitigation, etc

In exchange, you now can use your movement skills freely (major buff to Flamedash or LIghtning warp) and dont need to worry about hitting stuff accidentally, as you are taking half the dmg you would have before

7 is the ideal amount with helm corruption, but 6 will be still the best for arc-trap + arc enchant. Aylardex is just bad to use especially with the degen. Shimmeron probably will still be viable, ONLY IF, the degen working like this = each time you crit again, your degen duration refreshed, doesn't matter how much skills you use, you will only have 1 instance of degen based on your PC amount. BUT IF, the degen working like = each time you crit again, you will be degening over and over again, making you take more than 1 instance of degen. The latter is just a no to use shimmeron, and the former while still might be viable, it will slows down trapper with dual shimmeron playstyle tremendously / it will become a spamfest on throwing trap (trying to get at least 18 traps triggered on each packs for the regen, or at least 8 traps triggered by enemy if using tinkerskin). MoM will be the savior but even so you can't really rely entirely on your flasks as they will run out eventually if you keep using them, and lavianga will be a mandatory unique for it.

Its a so so change to shimmeron, while they trying to compensate the degen for a caster, they punish people that find clever way to counter the degen, a typical ggg balance.

Yeah, I don't know how any build can fit 8 power charge...
Would sacrifice something vital to get that 8th charge, most likely not worth it.

7 is already max considering how tight our skill point is. (with corruption, which would be really difficult to get in the first place)
5~6 is norm depending on builds.

With Loreweave, the self damage will be 480 per second which can easily be mitigated by trap's regen trait + blood rage + immortal call + Araka pantheon.

Also I don't know why people treat like HP flask does not exist or something when they're spamming mp flask all day to begin with. I played Oni Goroshi before and I know this degen is really nothing compare to Oni Goroshi. It can easily be handled.

Last edited by mic01851165 on Aug 29, 2018, 9:59:33 AM
Bye bye Saboteur Arc Trappers.... :'(
Moritonel wrote:
Stone of Lazhwar gave 50% block chance applied to spells.

With 75% attack-block this resulted in 37% spellblock.

Patchlog: "Existing versions now have +15% chance to Block Spell Damage"

A rarely used amulet got nerved from 37% down to 15% REALY!!!!!

Block chars was unplayable before and are un-un-unplayable now.
Its a shame. Either play Gladiator or use shields only as a stat-stick. Its a shame.

Not even legacy items are safe anymore!!!

spellblock was broken and it got fixed.

How did it got fixed? It just got pigeonholed into the only Ascendency that can still easily achieve it.
ign: UpForJava
CsSanyi wrote:
So for my ES based miner that uses 2 Shimmerons will be unusable till i go and buy 2 mirrors and a couple hundred ex from a bot site, then i'll have to wait a few years till someone makes a mirror worthy item?

Of course not. Swap one of your quicksilvers for a topaz and you'll be sitting at 82 lightning res since you have unnatural calm already. I'm sure you could work in Purity of Lightning too if you really wanted the new Shimmerons to just tickle you. Don't worry about it.
1) Will static strike beams work with melee phys dmg? (I mean, will beams count as "melee" attack)
2) Will static strike beams work with ruthless?
3) Will static strike beams inherit your accuracy and be able to miss?
LordDivine wrote:
Added 22 new Labyrinth enchantments, including 2 for existing skills.

...Already need the current ones spread out over more content tbh. But nice changes and additions overall

I despise this change actually , as if it's not hard enough to get the right enchantment to begin with, yet they add more..

Might as well just let us pick which enchant we get with some cost. (Like 1 ex or something)
Every patchnote i wish to see :

We don't bother you with your master lvling for the thousandth time, you can import your master from stantard league

But no ....
Last edited by Deonbekende on Aug 29, 2018, 10:10:50 AM
Thats all I needed to start playing warframe.
Bex_GGG wrote:

" build!

In a scenario where some skills aren't allowed to be used? Or to be accurate, who can't be used, cause of insta death?

Support Gem Balance
Multiple Traps
  • Now causes supported skills to deal 50% less damage at gem level 1 (from 40%) up to 31% less damage at gem level 20 (from 21%).

Cluster Traps
  • Now causes supported skills to throw up to 2 additional traps at all levels (down from 3).

So we got the same effect from cluster traps, we already got with multiple traps, just that I am able to get 2 more traps at once lying on the ground with about 15% less damage while using cluster traps? Right?

Otherwhise I am really exited about playing the new delve!

Those Flame Dash buffs are amazing, thank you so much. Wands are back, baby.
Last edited by Fatal_Oath on Aug 29, 2018, 10:29:36 AM

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