Is Ele Hit going to be nerfed in Delve?

I never played an Elemental Hit Char, with the new Jewels it seems to be pretty strong and fun, but actually it could be nerfed before i even have a chance to try it ^^
Last bumped on Aug 16, 2018, 9:49:06 AM
Likely not. It's not overpowered. Assembling the build is hard since it takes a lot of pricy uniques and survivability on HC is questional until you get Kaom's.
Filousov wrote:
Likely not. It's not overpowered. Assembling the build is hard since it takes a lot of pricy uniques and survivability on HC is questional until you get Kaom's.

Its about the most broken skill in the game currently, I've got a PoB currently for a JU-G-G doing 700k shaper dps with 6 damage nodes, survivability on HC is never questionable on a skill that requires almost no scaling lol

Will they nerf it? I have no idea they don't have a great track record on really OP stuff sometimes it stays sometimes it gets crushed, gut feeling tells me its here for another league.
Probably 2nd in line to get nerfed after arc traps/sabo. Maybe even 1st.

Whether we see a nerf in time for this league or it waits till december, I don't know. I think it'll be gutted this league along with arc traps.

We don´t know yet but maybe ice spear will be buffed by 500% and become new meta.
That´s the way GGG is balancing the game.

You can make whatever skill viable in these days though.
Last edited by Rakiii on Aug 14, 2018, 10:12:25 AM
I shook my magic 8 ball and it said "hold on bro I'm dizzy stop shaking me".

Ele hit with conversion is broken. Will it be nerfed/changed, who knows. They've let OP skills in the game before. My biggest worry is that they will reduce flat damage of all elements instead of fixing conversion. If you're not using the jewels and going AoF, the skill is actually very average once you get to maps. Before maps, it is one of the most underpowered skills I have ever levelled with. The flat damage scaling before level 60 is just pure garbage. I was getting better damage on a 3 link Rain of Arrows than on a 5 link Ele hit.
They will defenetly nerf how damage conversion is added before element is chosen. The number will stay the same.
3.3 RF Trickster SSF HC guide :
Draegnarrr wrote:
Filousov wrote:
Likely not. It's not overpowered. Assembling the build is hard since it takes a lot of pricy uniques and survivability on HC is questional until you get Kaom's.

Its about the most broken skill in the game currently, I've got a PoB currently for a JU-G-G doing 700k shaper dps with 6 damage nodes...

Not sure if serious? 700k shaper dps... overpowered...? I would not even leave my hideout with 700k shaper dps. lol Seriously try arc traps! But on the other hand..... hmm..... most likely elemental hit will be nerfed while arc traps get a buff. Why? Because GGG!
"Yes, it is perfectly fair. It just sucks ass."
posted by Thaelyn on 12. August 2013 17:33
666tnt666 wrote:

Not sure if serious? 700k shaper dps... overpowered...?

Were you deliberately ignoring context, or...?

Filousov wrote:
Likely not. It's not overpowered. Assembling the build is hard since it takes a lot of pricy uniques and survivability on HC is questional until you get Kaom's.

Draegnarrr wrote:
700k shaper dps with 6 damage nodes

Sure, achieving about 4x the DPS of any build I've ever made while making the THICCEST CHARACTER IN THE WORLD is not overpowered at all.
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I would imagine that they'll 'nerf' it by making it only add the flat ele damage of the element chosen... it wouldn't be a nerf for the 'intended' use of cycling elements, but it would properly deal with the conversion abuse. It would break the oh-so-important tooltip again, but who in their right mind cares?

The current version never should have been released, they were told time and time again this exact problem would arise, but maybe they realized it too late and couldn't properly fix it in time (the numbers were nerfed just pre-release after all, which was probably a last-minute bandaid)

Hopefully in getting rid of the conversion abuse like this they can tune the individual flat damage rolls back up (and maybe bring back the decent %damage effectiveness it had when it was revealed so isolating one element would have some use combined with a other single-element setups)

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