Scrotie's single-question political compass test

ScrotieMcB wrote:
The best form of government is voluntarism. It's a lot like democracy, except whenever a vote isn't unanimous the minorities secede.

"anarcho-capitalism" is what u mean.

Yeah, its superior but people are like babies and need demigods to look after them. At the heart of all debate is weakness in self
Git R Dun!
Aim_Deep wrote:
ScrotieMcB wrote:
The best form of government is voluntarism. It's a lot like democracy, except whenever a vote isn't unanimous the minorities secede.
"anarcho-capitalism" is what u mean.
I believe anarchocapitalism is a contradiction in terms; ownership is the negative right to govern, therefore the extent to which an individual is their own government is the extent to which they have actualized their property rights.

But if you take anarchocapitalism and remove a bunch of improper definitions, then yes, pretty much.
Aim_Deep wrote:
people are like babies and need demigods to look after them. At the heart of all debate is weakness in self
A free market depends on that. Customers don't do themselves, they pay to be served by others. Under economic specialization we're all expected to be babies at most things and demigods in one tiny niche. That much easier to achieve than even a single person who's a demigod at everything.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Jun 20, 2018, 9:33:45 PM
鬼殺し wrote:

Something tells me Sen is going to care a little more about Child C than anyone else here...

Cheers, Scrotums. I was between books and this is perfect.

Interestingly that is where I heard the 3 kids and a flute from. If you understand his theories of on justice and social actualization, you would think Sen probably does but would pick Child A instead. It is the choice that improve the quality of life for everyone.
Well, please give us a review of this book.
First choice... C) hoping the brat chokes on it.

Second choice... A) in case C) can't gag and die fast enough, so she can die quicker.

All so B) can take the flute she made and dance on the graves of these demanding brats, while tooting bad flute music.

Last edited by Templar_G on Jun 20, 2018, 10:56:07 PM
Templar_G wrote:
First choice... C) hoping the brat chokes on it.

Second choice... A) in case C) can't gag and die fast enough, so she can die quicker.

All so B) can take the flute she made and dance on the graves of these demanding brats, while tooting bad flute music.

I guess you're a communist now. Congratulations.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
After a long string of RESEARCH, I have CONCLUDED that the political compass is PSEUDOSCIENCE designed to divide people while oligarchs CONQUER and RULE...! They play BOTH SIDES and decide the winners to benefit THEMSELVES the MOST...! FACTS

Last edited by erdelyii on Jun 21, 2018, 7:27:07 AM


So, does it make sense for an AI to start making decisions for countries, governments, and humanity as a whole? Keep in mind that political decisions involve complex interlinking factors and secondary and tertiary outcomes, some of which could be beyond what the human brain can comprehend or analyze. Government decision making is a complex task, something that is getting harder all the time with the rapidly shifting geopolitical dynamics, terrorism, climate change, rising inequality, the pace of automation and its impact on jobs and society, and the possibility that we are entering an era of post-capitalism. With so much uncertainty and risk of destabilization, and almost no parallels in history to deal with the current set of global issues, governments are likely to be reactive and short-sighted, making rash decisions and not thinking through the countless intertwined future outcomes, and what it all means for the planet as a whole.

Fun fact: Sen is married to a Rothschild. Yes I googled him to know that! I was curious about his experience of that famine. I can't imagine being from a Brahmin family shielded him completely from 3 million people dying around him. Unimaginable stink and chaos.

鬼殺し wrote:
Which is awesome, because you know it gets my goat when people's response to suggestions for remedying injustices is 'well it'll never be perfect'. Fucking duh. Should that stop us seeking to reduce injustice? Hell no. Every time I read those lines I remembered that exhausting argument against more stringent gun laws and how they won't stop gun violence.

- the Nirvana Fallacy. They are kidding themselves.

Sen's book sounds like an interesting read. I would like to say that Justice is not the same thing as Law. Laws can be informed by justice but sometimes Just is illegal. I don't think that's what you're saying in your post; it's worth keeping in mind, is all.

For instance:

At 3pm on August 13 2004, Akku Yadav was lynched by a mob of around 200 women from Kasturba Nagar. It took them 15 minutes to hack to death the man they say raped them with impunity for more than a decade. Chilli powder was thrown in his face and stones hurled. As he flailed and fought, one of his alleged victims hacked off his penis with a vegetable knife. A further 70 stab wounds were left on his body. The incident was made all the more extraordinary by its setting. Yadav was murdered not in the dark alleys of the slum, but on the shiny white marble floor of Nagpur district court.

Laughed at and abused by the police when they reported being raped by Yadav, the women took the law into their own hands. A local thug, Yadav and his gang had terrorised the 300 families of Kasturba Nagar for more than a decade, barging into homes demanding money, shouting threats and abuse.

Residents say he murdered at least three neighbours and dumped their bodies on railway tracks. They had reported his crimes to the police dozens of times. Each time he was arrested, he was granted bail.

But it was rape that Yadav used to break and humiliate the community. A rape victim lives in every other house in the slum, say the residents of Kasturba Nagar. He violated women to control men, ordering his henchmen to drag even girls as young as 12 to a nearby derelict building to be gang-raped.


Justice? Nemesis might be more fitting.

鬼殺し wrote:

My current protag is a carpentry fangirl in a pre Industrev setting so yes, thats exactly what I was looking up! And yes, I landed on at least one Masons page. My many times reading Foucaults Pendulum always get in the way of taking these things seriously...

more interestingly, I learned that aprons were clearly colour coded back when, which even nitpicky epics like Pillars of the Earth somehow skipped.

I wonder if Child C is the unfortunate byproduct of imbalanced advances...or just our awareness of it.

Ok, so what is a carpentry fangirl? I didn't know the aprons were colour-coded. In the many films and shows and books with aprons I have seen (it used to an entire shelf at Blockbuster Video, "International Apronage"), the aprons are all white linen. Source? And what is a byproduct of imbalanced advances? I'm thinking it's that you mean instrumental music is the product of society advancing, and so is crafting instruments, and C is a product of the way this is brought about?

So many questions.

In the example, I keep thinking why do we see them as individuals, in the first place? In a sense, the problem may be in the questioning we do, not the answers to those questions.

Which kind of leaves me torn between “We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started... and know the place for the first time.” and Batman.
Last edited by erdelyii on Jun 21, 2018, 7:31:12 AM
deathflower wrote:
鬼殺し wrote:

Something tells me Sen is going to care a little more about Child C than anyone else here...

Cheers, Scrotums. I was between books and this is perfect.

Interestingly that is where I heard the 3 kids and a flute from. If you understand his theories of on justice and social actualization, you would think Sen probably does but would pick Child A instead. It is the choice that improve the quality of life for everyone.

Social Actualization is just another disguised caste system. Imagine that you are a farmer, and suddenly society tells you (and everyone else) it is illegal and immoral to eat the crops you raise. You and the other crop farmers lose money and power, and those banning your crops rise to the top of society.

Real history is a sad thing at times.

deathflower wrote:
Nope... B don't share. We establish that a flute has other purpose. After that, we establish that you should not share nor touch it.

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