Do you find GGG balance strategy acceptable?

鬼殺し wrote:
k1rage wrote:
鬼殺し wrote:
agreed, dont do it. ARPG might be literally broad but in context it really means Diablo clone. Isometric game with rpg systems calibrating the action. That aint Dark Souls.

Thank you!

Im tired of people calling any non turn based RPG an ARPG

hack n slash
fantasy brawler
zelda clone

there are games in all those genres that are also action role playing games, but theyre not first and foremost arpgs.

Never considered platformers RPGs of any kind

cant say I ever remember Mario lvling up lol (with the exception of mario RPG which is a total SNES classic)
I dont see any any key!
Aetherium wrote:
Do you find GGG balance strategy acceptable?

Aetherium wrote:
I find it very annoying, that league after league they pick 1 skill, buff it over the top, nerf some old ones, to keep rotation and meta not stale. Why not just balance it properly. It doesnt take genius, to even out damage values. I can see why they are doing it, many games are doing, league of legends being one of them.

IMO it sucks, I dont like it and I never play the "new and hot meta" stuff - in part as "protest" against this.
(And based on my readings here and on reddit there are many people who play hipster builds and suffer from this due to how the economy and game balancing work.)
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Zrevnur wrote:
Aetherium wrote:
Do you find GGG balance strategy acceptable?

Aetherium wrote:
I find it very annoying, that league after league they pick 1 skill, buff it over the top, nerf some old ones, to keep rotation and meta not stale. Why not just balance it properly. It doesnt take genius, to even out damage values. I can see why they are doing it, many games are doing, league of legends being one of them.

IMO it sucks, I dont like it and I never play the "new and hot meta" stuff - in part as "protest" against this.
(And based on my readings here and on reddit there are many people who play hipster builds and suffer from this due to how the economy and game balancing work.)


thats adorable
I dont see any any key!
Aetherium wrote:
they dont need to be exactly equal....

thats the problem. everyone is going to "overkill" that tiny difference and boom, there is/seems to be another op skill.
Right - Dark souls is great. But it is really it's OWN genre. It is part RPG, part ARPG (admittedly, you got me there), but strategically hack and slash, which MortalKombat3 loves. There is a reason many a game has been labeled a Dark Souls clone.

And good on you, me too. But that is not THIS genre, which has better been described as Diablo clone......which IS about pressing your mouse button 8 million times an hour and killing masses of mobs for their sweet, sweet loot. Look at AoE in this game, it is now your primary damage type, with single target as a boss killer.
k1rage wrote:

Never considered platformers RPGs of any kind

Maple Story comes to mind
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adghar wrote:
k1rage wrote:

Never considered platformers RPGs of any kind

Maple Story comes to mind

cant say Ive ever played it
I dont see any any key!
Aetherium wrote:
Why not just balance it properly. It doesnt take genius, to even out damage values.

See, a big part of the problem is you think it's about damage values to begin with. Last I checked, by pure damage values, the most OP skills in the game are things like Viper Strike and Burning arrow. But no one plays them. Because even though they have a theoretical highest possible on-paper dps capability, the circumstances required to achieve those numbers are extremely impractical and they do shitty under realistic gameplay conditions.

Just looking at damage numbers, Kinetic Blast isn't a great skill.... until you realize how powerful it is in practice for those modest numbers to be attached to a fast firing projectile that explodes into an AOE that can overlap.

Balance is a nightmare to achieve even by pure numbers with all the gear, passives, ascendancies, and other factors in play. But then when you add to that the fact that the pure numbers are only a small part of the balancing equation between skills, and it gets much more complicated very fast, to not only where it does, in fact, take a genius, but an actual genius would probably at some point just have to flub it.
^ Viper strike and Burning arrow aren't even close on pure damage values, viper strike is like 220% base, burning arrow is just 184%.

Earthquakes higher than either of those and that blows at the moment (Vaal EQ is super fun), blade-flurry is in the 300's.

and KB, KB is absolutely fucking amazing numerically its absolutely why its so strong, because it shotguns when they removed shotgunning and has absolutely insane spread. KB should legit have an attack damage multiplier of like 40%, not 147% it does very similar damage to most other attacks but hits like 10 trillion times per pack.

But what it comes down to is its their job, If I can look at a skill and tell you how it gets scaled to be OP i'm pretty sure they can they made the game i'm just some scrub that plays it. Its not even like they have to get that close, just closer than the 15mil to 40k difference we currently have :P
Last edited by Draegnarrr on Jun 19, 2018, 6:06:46 PM
Um, they balanced much more than one skill this season. This game has a shit ton of viable builds while blizzard struggled making a handful per class (if that)

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