Playing in Standard Revived My Interest In The Game

I've said a few times in the past that GGG might want to lay off the leagues for a rotation or two and see how that effects the player base. Pump out a league each time which makes the leagues feel rushed in a way and oversaturate the game. If they don't add the league mechanic as a core mechanic like talisman, or Harbinger and such it makes the game feel like it is missing something, why stuff like legacy was a blast for me, getting to actually obtain those items and fights once again.


They could alternate new league, legacy, new league, legacy,... and most of us would be happy.
Snorkle_uk wrote:
At this point playing Standard is like playing SP god mode.

thats pretty much what a league is after about 5 days too though, thats essentially the game now, just a massive joke.

drop rates are basically balanced around ssfhc, its the only version of the game that even makes sense as a game once you know how to put together a half decent build.

Good thing I'm on the casual side of things, even though I put in an atrocious amount of hours per league. Leagues last a good two months for me ^_^
sonicReducer wrote:

What is trading like in Standard?

depends what sort of stuff youre selling.

You can sell a decent volume of stuff if you have a big volume of stuff to sell. I make many many sales per day over there, but I have an awful lot of stuff listed. You make less sales than you do early league, but you can charge a lot more for a lot of the stuff. I might make 10 sales there in a day, rather than 20-30 in early league, but Im not selling stuff for 1c, 2c, 3c, each sale is 7c, 20c, 50c, 2 exalts etc. People in standard have money and theyre willing to spend it if you got decent products to sell.
Yeah i am also thinking to start playing standard cause it is getting really boring to do all those things all over again like(masters,zana 8,atlas bonous,labs,getting shapers orbs,setting up sextants,managening elder/shaper on the atlas and now there will also be bestiary)

At the start it was just re leveling new char which is fine but now you need to waste HUGE amount of time before you can actually start doing fun stuff like farming t16 maps,uber lab,etc
if one is working a full time job, busy with life and committments, and not too worried abt being in the first adopters in the meta fashion or being competitive with others in games, playing in standard league is a great way to have fun in poe.

well.... see the supporter packs tend to be connected to new leagues soooo I really dont see this happening

They could potentially just have non-tied supporter packs for the time. I'm sure they have plenty of pack ideas that don't specifically need an expansion to relate to.

Another thing I forgot to mention though would be that these down times would also be a great segment of time to allow it to be a racing season of could either play in permanent leagues or be running in any variety of races that a 3 month block of time would provide plenty more variety than how they normally seem to squeeze race time into.

thats ture but leagues tend to draw a huge number of players back (as well as a few new players) and it just makes sense to launch supporter packs at peak times
I dont see any any key!
stkmro wrote:
if one is working a full time job, busy with life and committments, and not too worried abt being in the first adopters in the meta fashion or being competitive with others in games, playing in standard league is a great way to have fun in poe.
I agree. I can push game to it's limit and try new things without time pressure.
k1rage wrote:

well.... see the supporter packs tend to be connected to new leagues soooo I really dont see this happening

They could potentially just have non-tied supporter packs for the time. I'm sure they have plenty of pack ideas that don't specifically need an expansion to relate to.

Another thing I forgot to mention though would be that these down times would also be a great segment of time to allow it to be a racing season of could either play in permanent leagues or be running in any variety of races that a 3 month block of time would provide plenty more variety than how they normally seem to squeeze race time into.

thats ture but leagues tend to draw a huge number of players back (as well as a few new players) and it just makes sense to launch supporter packs at peak times

That's why this whole situation is kind of iffy. We really don't know what the player numbers/supporting would be like, because leagues are so consistant on bringing in supporter pack purchases apparently that they haven't been able to risk not doing it. Trying to imagine from their end that potentially if worst case scenario, a non-league segment of time is not supported well, they are literally relying on 3 month boosts in support to keep the game alive. It is a little doubtful that is the case though.

I am willing to bet that the likely scenario is that a decent amount would still play and support, it just wouldn't be as, impactful as a real league start. Not gaming news worthy.
"It's all clearer now
And I hear her now
And I'm nearer to
The Salvation Code"

That's why this whole situation is kind of iffy. We really don't know what the player numbers/supporting would be like, because leagues are so consistant on bringing in supporter pack purchases apparently that they haven't been able to risk not doing it. Trying to imagine from their end that potentially if worst case scenario, a non-league segment of time is not supported well, they are literally relying on 3 month boosts in support to keep the game alive. It is a little doubtful that is the case though.

I am willing to bet that the likely scenario is that a decent amount would still play and support, it just wouldn't be as, impactful as a real league start. Not gaming news worthy.

Bah, it would actually be news worthy if they would take a few months between the last 3.x release and the 4.0 "revamp" to actually address most concerns regarding "balance", QoL, or God forbid, even "polish". They haven't got out ALL the uniques on 3D art, and they should use said time to do so. They should ensure that their loot allocation, danger/reward ratios, EXP gain/penalties, progression from 1 to 100 hit the "sweet spot" and entice players to keep playing for YEARS post 4.0.

All while offering Legacy status once more - via leaguestones or other new improved concept - and races + various timed events.

Just imagine the press - PoE does what no one else in the industry does => takes time to improve and adjust content, let's you enjoy all of it for a while before restarting the new content introduction (so 3 months schedule intervals for leagues with 1/2 major expansions and 2/1 "filler", a 3 month "balance"/content pass, and a new PoE version each year - these values could be adjusted accordingly to their time table, but PoE needs to be brought "up to snuff" on all sides).

Having access to all legacy "goodies" would entice players to play the alternate Legacy league "moar" next to Standard, and the various "filler" events would keep everyone else happy, heck, at one time they might consider even turning Legacy into Standard, and let players that are time constraint experience the "old" goodies next to the new content at will.

GGG has enough ideas for continuing PoE development for a "few" more years, and if everyone plays and supports, they will keep doing so no matter what...
PSS: Our almighty TencentGGG overlords are very scrupulous regarding criticizing their abilities to take proper decisions and consider everything "needlessly harsh and condescending"...

Good to know "free speech" doesn't apply in any form or manner on the forums these days...
I mainly play standard league. For several reasons :

- I don't like to start a new character and doing the whole game again and again
- I hate the labyrinth
- I like to max characters in the following ways : a character that can farm mobs insanely fast with a smooth gameplay, and an other character that can farm bosses with an insane DPS with a smooth gameplay. After thousands hours, I am still trying to achieve these two goals and this is what I like in standard.

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