Iron Heart + Baron: Do they synergize?

{I am not sure what you mean by "an ability" and "a modifier" - as far as I know "an ability" is not a mechanical terminology in PoE.}

*Points at Tyroki's post* *shrugs*


*Spends a bunch of time talking to a friend who's helping to theorycraft, gets thoughts in some kind of order*

*Decides that spoilers are a nice way to avoid walls of text and terrible forum browsing experiences.*

--- Okay, so thought process here:

Started playing waaaaaay back, stopped for a while, came back oh hey stuff is different there's a new fourth act and everything, and there's even more data about minions now.

Oh hey tooltips still don't work for them. Well shit. Sorry necro character still don't know what to do with you.

Reason this is relevant: Act 4 came out for 2.0.0
Baron came out 2.6.0

Baron is (as far as I know) the very first time you could add base stats of STR, DEX, or INT to minions. It also came out near the end of a development cycle, which means these three stats were completely unused up to this point, assuming they ever even existed, and they weren't likely to have been changed specifically for this one item.
Vast majority of programmers I've met have, when the subject has come up, voted for keeping code as simple as possible to avoid nonsense. Obviously this is not always optimal or possible, but given this is a MMO less bug fixing work is probably desirable where it can be found.

Based on limited coding knowledge, it looks like the buff from strength is just that, a buff. Not an integral part of base damage calculations, it's not providing a base number to multiply, it is in itself a multiplier. Unless something a player or mob does specifically requests the strength modifier for some reason, nothing should be erroring without it.
Minions and mobs seem to makes attacks based off a "natural weapon" or "unarmed attack" number, with bonuses and negatives applied accordingly. Zombies are the reason I think this, Path of Building lists a base damage for their basic attack that looks like weapon stats, as does the wiki.

Also the few places I've seen this discussed, it is claimed that minions and mobs have no strength stat naturally. I have no idea how to confirm this, let me know if you do.

So based on this, my theory is that, unless the devs were VERY much thinking about the future and coded the base stats in from the start (all at zero presumably) and then made them completely invisible; went in and re-coded every mob in the game due to spectres; or made every mob by copying the base player character code and modifying it as needed, such as setting the stat values to zero:

Baron would, if none of the last paragraph is true, be applying strength as a stat to a entity that previously didn't even have a space allocated for it. Which is afaik messy as hell, but I'll go with it for the purpose of this mental exercise.

Also this could have been messed with before 3.0.0 came out as well, but that's another thing so... *shrug*

--- OKAY, that's out of the way. Next part, using theory from previous part.

So, Baron is adding a new multiplier where there apparently was none previously. It seems like it could do this one of two ways:

1. It's registering the player's strength score (the total strength) as one large number, taking only that number into account, dividing it either before or after it applies to the minions, and then calling the rule for strength applying a buff from.... SOMEWHERE.

2. It could be taking the player's base strength, before ANY modifiers, applying said modifiers, AND THEN either giving it to the minions and dividing, or vice versa. Bringing any possible rules about how strength affects damage along with it, assuming there isn't a global rules list:

I have no idea how the server is calculating damage. It could be pulling from a global list and forming an equation that way, or it could be referring to the information it is sent with player data for each and every skill and effect being used by that character, possibly formed into it's own list when it loads the player into an instance that isn't just Town. Either has it's own strengths and weaknesses depending on how many "unique" effects there are that it would have to search through, how often it has to do it a "game tick", and a bunch of other stuff, some of which is afaik mostly online related. Hell it could even be offloading some of the grunt work onto the PC that's running the game and having it sent back for all I know.

The first one means, I think, that Iron Heart only affects the player.
The second could mean anything from ALL modifiers get transferred, to only modifiers on a whitelist do. Which would be weird and much more messy, but only in certain ways.

The second would mean that Brawn, Alberons, and other percent strength multipliers are whitelisted, but anything else affecting strength is not. God that is weird and looks error-prone as a concept.

Okay it's 3am here, I'mma leave it at that for a while. Would love to hear more thoughts from yall, thanks for the replies so far and trying to help me straight out this mess of an idea. XD
Last edited by CommanderJess on Feb 7, 2018, 5:56:49 AM
You are overthinking this way too much.

This is not about philosophy. This is a question of numbers and mathematics. And anybody who has any knowledge about the relevant mechanics will tell you that it works exactly in the way I described above. If I had the power to summon Mark_GGG here, he would tell you the same thing.

What you think or what you theoretize about game development process has no effect on how the game actually works. Adding the "0.2% increased melee physical damage per point of strength" attribute (this is not a buff by the way) to every monster and minion in the game is a trivial task via a database update. Furthermore, creatures can already (and have been able to from the inception of the game) gain arbitrary modifiers, even at run-time, thanks to auras.
Last edited by Abdiel_Kavash on Feb 7, 2018, 6:06:24 AM
You are extremely overcomplicating this :/

All entities work the same. Players, monsters, minions. If an entity has a value for Strength, it gains Increased Melee Physical Damage relative to that value.

By default, Minions have 0 in all their attributes. The Baron adds half your final Strength value to their Strength. This has no effect on what Strength does. Strength's effect is entirely unrelated to where Strength comes from, how it is calculated, and whether the entity has any by default.

Iron Heart changes what Strength does for your character. Your modifiers do not apply to your Minions. Your Minions do not have Iron Heart equipped, their Damage multiplier from Strength is unaffected.

...Welcome to the internet? Why is thinking about something a bad thing exactly?

Hardly see how anything I said is philosophy. Might wanna explain what you think the difference is, cause I'm not seeing it.

I could spam the entire thread with numbers. I even have spreadsheets. I figured it would be a more pleasant experience reading everything if I didn't do that right off the bat. Am I to take it that you would prefer I do so?

Not asking about preferred design mechanics, I'm asking about code. I assure you there is a difference.

True, it has no effect. The process itself clearly has no effect either. Deadlines have no effect. Mishandled code has no effect. Code patches have no effect. New coders working off notes from people who don't write such things well has no effect....

5=1% is, in fact a buff. More precisely it is a multiplier, and is treated as "increased" by the game. It buffs your base weapon damage, because it does not replace or add to it, it multiplies it. Technically for this purpose it would still be a "buff" even if it added. By the standard of RPG's in general btw, not just this game.

You're assuming the game works via an easily updatable database. Unless you've seen the base code of the game and that is not, in fact, an assumption.

Yes, auras have been around for a long time, yes they modify a entity's attacks as they are being calculated.
Strength, on the other hand, is in this case being applied to a entity's basic information, instead of only to an equation being run by the server off to the side somewhere.
It is a group of effects, that are also modified by other rule changing effects. Possibly adding a new line of code to an entity on equip, that is then modified by a new item that is being vague about how it actually works.

Given that I spend most of my day looking at console logs for mods for other games, trying to figure out why a simple behavior modifying chunk of code is causing some deco mod to scream bloody murder and crash everything; given that this is a complex game running on and between multiple OS's and servers; given that this is computing we are discussing here and hell knows that NEVER has any issues whatsoever; please, explain to me why I should automatically trust that this combination will work the way everyone expects it to at first glance.

Also I have no idea why your tone suddenly went hostile and insulting. Seriously dude what the hell. Is my not taking you at your word instantly, no matter my thoughts on the matter, such an enraging thing to you?
You have asked a question, and three different people have given you an answer that is simple, straight-forward, follows the item descriptions, and is consistent with every other mechanic in the game.

Yet you keep insisting that this one particular case works differently than every single other modifier (or, I don't know - do you think that some other item modifiers also apply to your minions?); and all you have to back up your claims are some very convoluted wild guesses about obscure parts of the game that obviously none other than GGG programmers can give you any definitive information about.

You are not looking for an answer. You have already decided on one. You are looking for someone to agree with you.

Fine, ultimately it does not matter. Believe what you want to believe. Nobody is stopping you from wearing both the Baron and Iron Heart together (or any other combination of items). If it makes you feel better, that's great, and I'm happy for you!

It does not make your minions deal any more damage though.
Last edited by Abdiel_Kavash on Feb 7, 2018, 7:02:13 AM
Vipermagi wrote:
You are extremely overcomplicating this :/

All entities work the same. Players, monsters, minions. If an entity has a value for Strength, it gains Increased Melee Physical Damage relative to that value.

By default, Minions have 0 in all their attributes. The Baron adds half your final Strength value to their Strength. This has no effect on what Strength does. Strength's effect is entirely unrelated to where Strength comes from, how it is calculated, and whether the entity has any by default.

Iron Heart changes what Strength does for your character. Your modifiers do not apply to your Minions. Your Minions do not have Iron Heart equipped, their Damage multiplier from Strength is unaffected.

Hm, aight. I'd still like to know if you have any evidence for the 'having any integer for attributes' and 'How Iron Heart's description is supposed to be parsed'. Like in-game stats or dev notes or something.
I also still wouldn't be surprised if it did work despite that not being the intent, but eh. Guess unless they change it in some fashion, Iron Heart is doomed to be another severely underused unique, judging by prices, no life roll, and the cannot block spells at least. Much disappoint and such.
CommanderJess wrote:

Hm, aight. I'd still like to know if you have any evidence for the 'having any integer for attributes' and 'How Iron Heart's description is supposed to be parsed'. Like in-game stats or dev notes or something.
I also still wouldn't be surprised if it did work despite that not being the intent, but eh. Guess unless they change it in some fashion, Iron Heart is doomed to be another severely underused unique, judging by prices, no life roll, and the cannot block spells at least. Much disappoint and such.

His evidence is the dozens and dozens of questions people have asked Mark_GGG in the mechanics thread, and also extensive experience with the game, how it works, his own personal testing, accounts of other folks' personal testing...yeah. Vipermagi is one of the strongest mechanics guys on the forum, man. He knows his stuff.

That said? Echoing the other two - you are vastly overcomplicating this.

The Baron has one effect relevant to this conversation: it sums your final 'Strength' number - the integer shown in 'Strength' on your character screen - chops it in half, and grants the resulting integer as a bonus to Minion strength. That is what the Baron does. It doesn't clone your Strength stat or weird modifiers to your Strength stat. Why would it? Do modifiers attached to your minions affect your stats? Does Iron Grip Support on a minion mean your projectile damage would gain a bonus from Strength? No, of course not. That's blatantly, intuitively untrue. So why would the opposite somehow be less untrue?

Iron Heart, as stated, also has one relevant effect - it replaces your melee damage bonus from Strength with a 0.3% modifier, rather than a 0.2% modifier. It doesn't touch Strength at all. That modifier swap is not inherited by the Baron because the Baron does not care about, or in fact reference/know about, the Strength melee bonus at all. The Baron is concerned solely with the raw Strength number. Iron Heart is concerned solely with the player's melee damage modifier from Strength. The two mods do not interact.

Wanting them to interact does not mean they interact. No matter how badly you would like them to. Viper said it in the first reply in this thread - you're wearing Iron Heart, your minions are not. Thus, you get Iron heart's bonus, but your minions do not.
I think the whole when was what coded in which way is way too assumptious.

Look at this (Quote from the Wiki):
"Necromantic Aegis is a keystone passive skill that removes all bonuses provided by modifiers on equipped shields from the character and imparts those bonuses onto minions instead."

According to the WIki the Keystone was added in patch: 0.9.5g

Don't know how old the +strength or any other attribute stat on shields is but I guess that the framwork for giving your minions stats of your character was around at least from when NA was introduced.
Otherwise the keystone would be pointless. So as far as I can assume: Giving your minions strength, even though they might not have any to begin with, will give them an appropriate derived modifier like increased melee phys damage, for like ages now.

Everything which does not specificaly say it does affect your minions will not affect them, thats just how this game works.

A stat being "global" in changing a rule like the amount of IMPD per strength does not imply it changes the whole game instance or something. Global alwys means "your cahracter".

To add to that: IMPD from strength is not changing you base weapon damage, its an increased modifier that gets added to all the other increases.

Super normal PoE logic here actually.

If you think it might still work in a different way, you should check that and i guarantee you it would be a bug then.


PS: Looking at you char, also stuff like %increased damge from le Heup does not apply to your minions. its global, not minion.
Last edited by derriesen on Feb 7, 2018, 11:13:45 AM
" It doesn't clone your Strength stat or weird modifiers to your Strength stat. Why would it? Do modifiers attached to your minions affect your stats?"

*Points at -*
Just sayin'. I realize that doesn't necessarily create precedent, but it does happen.


Fair on the point of Necro aegis, I'd forgotten it for a bit there. Does make the idea of having placeholders from the beginning the more likely scenario.
Though I still think having something be "global" and then not affect part of your build because it would be affecting something coded as a separate entity is mildly confusing at first glance. I recognize it's probably mostly to do with balance that it works the way it does, but still think the terminology could be better.

Yup, I realize @le heup; I'm using it for the attributes and resistances till I find or make something better. Also I just like the item in general since it has most of what I need for most builds without having to scour for the exact mods I want once I hit maps.
Considering a ANIMATE GUARDIAN build for 3.2. Question ;

With IRON HEART used on AG, would the added strength be multiplied to AG? I checked on POB and it did not change the default attack of AG. Wondering if its just a bug. It makes sense to me that it SHOULD stack to AG

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