Biggest concern for 3.1(mapping wise)

karoollll2534 wrote:
Racing is your personal choice. Even if GGG decide to nerf shaped linear maps there will always be best map so according to your logic it's a factor that limits you (You can't win race if you run any other map that is not best one). I don't see any reason to destroy fun for others by making linear maps feel bad.

If you focus on gaining as much XP/h as possible you don't care about loot, I agree with you about that. But this is again your choice, only you decide what you want to achieve in this game. Different maps serves different purposes. From the other hand people who focus only on xp/h can complain about others who farm maps for best currency/h. Why others can make much more wealth by running specific maps?

In my opinion it's fine as it is. Poe is mostly single player game so there is no reason to ruin part of it in sake of "balance". Besides racing there is no harm in gaining exp slower than others (and as i said before there will always be best map you have to run in order to win).

Ok, I want to make my point clear once and for all. Linear maps shouldn't be empty, that s not what I m trying to accomplish with this thread. My whole point was that we shouldn't be running 1 map all day long for the efficiency. And trust me there is harm if you gaining exp slower than others, with fast clearing comes the currency with it. I don't know how rebalancing shaped/unshaped maps can ruin fun for other people, running same 1 map is not fun in any way, it's way too repetitive, it's not challenging, it points at game's weakness, its design flaws. What I think we should have is all maps on the atlas worth running so players no longer feel compelled to run shaped maps only. It should be a preference, not a requirement to make fast currency/exp. And, according to the recent manifesto about monster density balance, I believe they are working hard on making that happen. But no matter how much effort they put into rebalancing all of the maps, shaped maps will always be most efficient to run because you don't have to worry about dropping a torture chamber/necropolis map, you know it won't drop. But if you run all maps on atlas you are punishing yourself with shitty map drops even if it's not completed, it will still drop just because that necropolis is connected to the map that you are running. How is that fair, my friend? :)
As long as everyone has an option to do whatever they like I'm okay with that. If some people want to grind their brains out in sextant blocked shaped maps let them do that. But make non shaped maps worth something as well.
Last edited by Laakeri on Nov 19, 2017, 5:30:14 PM
One thing I noticed in some of the leaked video's in how tight maps are in the middle and how spread out they are in the perimeter of the Atlas. This makes it harder to use lots of sextants on lower tier maps (for instance T10 and T11). To really benefit from Sextants (which a big source of xp in those maps btw) you need to clear more of your atlas and many different T12+ maps.

In other words: The higher tier map, the more sextants you can combine. And furthermore with the new system: The more modifiers (which are usually achieved through corrupting maps), the better packsize.

So hopefully the new system will give higher xp per hour for riskier maps. Of course this is speculation on my part and I could be wrong it looked like this was the case :)

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