Just had my first T1 drop since I play the game

Shagsbeard wrote:
Is there an actual list of T1 uniques, or are people just calling them that?

I'm pretty sure its inferred rather than actually being a list but you can tell whats a T1 and what isn't if you've been playing alot, i've been playing a fairly long time now and have seen every unique multiple times except for

mjol, kaoms heart, shavs, void battery (this is the only one i've had), windripper, headhunter.

I'll be missing a few that i'm not thinking of but if i've seen multiple copies of every other unique and never seen any of these and while a polling sample of 1 is hardly convincing i have farmed a fairly insane number of monsters by now so its fairly safe to assume they have either independantly or together a rarity tier of their own.

theres a post here by I_NO which i suspect is outdated but fairly accurate still https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1152638
Last edited by Draegnarrr on Oct 9, 2017, 12:50:09 PM
played hours, every day this league. Got nothing but scraps to collect slowly. No valuable uniques, not one. Not one well rolled yellow.

Pretty much done with his game at this point. Sick of chasing that big drop that never comes. Sick of collecting chump change.
Shagsbeard wrote:
Is there an actual list of T1 uniques, or are people just calling them that?

talking about rarity,there is/was.
I remember Charan sword was on top of it in past.Mjolner was T1 too.

Now I think people are just talking about BIS unique/expensive drops when talking about T1.
Poe Pvp experience
Shagsbeard wrote:
Is there an actual list of T1 uniques, or are people just calling them that?

They're the chase items that have their droprate reduced by GGG each league, this league it was baron. Man I remember one league where goldwyrm were really rare and they went for like 1-2ex
Second-class poe gamer
T1 is the rarity, windripper mjölner, shavs, kaoms, void battery, baron, some other, that doesn't come to mind, so basically things you will never find.

T2 are stuff like belly, lightning coil, carcass jack.

Altho I'm not so sure about the current actual droprates of newer things like certain unique jewels/flasks.
krenderke wrote:
T1 is the rarity, windripper mjölner, shavs, kaoms, void battery, baron, some other, that doesn't come to mind, so basically things you will never find.

T2 are stuff like belly, lightning coil, carcass jack.

Altho I'm not so sure about the current actual droprates of newer things like certain unique jewels/flasks.

In the league I had the most playtime in I did found a Mjolni and a Windripper on the same week. Never found anything great since.
- I didn't say half the shit people quote from me - Albert Einstein

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