Should I attempt killing Kitava with my HC witch or is it too risky?

Hey guys!

So I've made it all the way to Kitava (Act 10 final boss) playing solo and killed all bosses myself so far. I'm level 73.

My witch uses ice nova totems (2) each having a dps of 13k (26k with both). Critical strike chance of 53% which helps a lot for survivability but I guess won't help much against Kitava.

I've got ~3.2k HP, max resist and a bit of armor and evasion.

I've red a lot on the fight and see a lot of people with more HP than my witch getting one shotted. I mean, being a totem witch I can afford to run around a lot but I fear I still risk getting cornered but some AoE attack or something else outside of my control... I really do not want to get in there if I have a 50% chance of getting killed (remember I play HC).

Can I link my character? Maybe that would help you suggest what I could do to improve my odds of not dying.

At this point I am considering paying to have someone kill him for me which I really didn't want to do initially...
IGN : HCToothFairy
Last edited by SmoothOp on Aug 21, 2017, 8:36:31 PM
Last bumped on Aug 23, 2017, 4:55:33 AM
I personally wouldn't attempt it with anything less than 4k. I did it twice with 4.8 and 4.6 respectively. Maybe overkill but hey, I'm deathless against him.
I'm confused as to how I can get to 4k...

I've taken all life nodes reasonably accessible and got +50-100hp on all my gear except weapons.
IGN : HCToothFairy
Hey, if you make your character profile public then the experienced people in here can help you out by judging your gear and passives.

About Kitava, I tried the fight in Softcore with a Sunder Juggernaut with 4k HP, 7 endurance charges and like 9k dps. I kept on using my ancestral protector totem on the boss for consistent damage (it is linked with faster attacks and maim).

It was a pretty easy fight (I went blind into it). Almost all the damage is telegraphed (save the mods) but I still died three times to his fire breath. I suspect that most of the damage is physical because my juggernaut didnt feel much against the most flashy attacks (save the firebreath). A lot of stuff happens during the fight, but it didnt feel to me like it was hard to see everything like with Malachai.

For me, that fire breath is the most dangerous thing in the fight. It leaves burning ground (degen fire damage) that could take me out in 2 seconds (with life flask up).
It is very telegraphed once you know the movement the boss does before spitting the hot stuff.
At high boss life, Kitava only uses the fire breath in a small section of the arena and you can outrun it easily with a quicksilver. But at low life, Kitava will burn most of the arena, and I personally couldn't find a safe place to stand on.

Don't understimate Kitava's mods during the heart phases! I didnt had much issue with them (again high physical mitigaton Juggernaut), but it felt like I would die if I didnt pay attention and had all my buffs up.

I suggest that you choose wisely your Pantheon points for the fight. In my case, I would go Arakhaly and Abeerath just to mitigate the freaking fire breath.

Last edited by MANGUERA on Aug 21, 2017, 10:08:09 PM
Well, you're an adventurer after all, of course you should fight Kitava! These are the fights we live for. Just imagine the thrill when he's down and out.
Damn I wish I payed me attention to my stats on my old toon. Anyway, I beat him with an eq jugg at lvl 68. That char was going to be a lab-tank. I definitely did not have 4k hp yet. Probably not far from it though, was my first char to act 10 this league, no gg items.

The fight itself was pretty easy. If you play totems the fight should be even easier! You have all the time in the world to dodge his attacks. Be careful of his ads though, mini boss uses flicker strike that hurts a bit.
Get more HP before you do. Replies are only kids who need attention mostly. Oh look at me I had 7 endu charges it was ok! :DDD

You're a witch, you have no or not many endu charges. Your HP is low.

It is possible to succeed but considering your in HC. No go for me with those stats and the current tuning of the boss.
SmoothOp wrote:
I'm confused as to how I can get to 4k...

I've taken all life nodes reasonably accessible and got +50-100hp on all my gear except weapons.

Either get more levels or go out of your way to get more life nodes.
SmoothOp wrote:

I've got ~3.2k HP, max resist and a bit of armor and evasion.

That's not enough, don't even think about it on HC
Favourite armour? Hmmm, I forget it's name, but it's that scarlet one that whatsherface wears when she wants to look splendid.

I like Marmite.

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