[3.0] Windz's Magma Orb Sire of Shard Elementalist Mapper (3.0 WIP)

I could buy Vinktars right now but I would like to save up a bit more for inspired learning.

I do have Vaal Pact and an Atziri's promise however I am not sure where to put my CWDT setup since it's very hard to get off colors on my gear. Any recommended change I should make in order to get CWDT into my setup?

I can probably solve that by buying Brinerot and using ~20 Chromas to get 2 Red sockets. Is it okay though to drop my Res for Brin?

I also had a Quicksilver Adrenaline flask in my stash so I got that covered too.

I had forgotten you could run 2 golems, thanks for reminding me.

Thanks a lot for your reply! Helped me a lot. Hope you have a great day!
Last edited by Xagroth on May 30, 2017, 12:55:34 PM
You should prioritise buying at least one Inspired Learning as soon as possible. You'll need another 5 levels to allocate the points to make use of a second one, but you should be able to acquire enough currency by that stage to be able to afford the second one at that time. I ran blue maps for ages just to get my levels up but it's definitely better than dying.

They really help with damage, survivability and clear speed so they are a very good investment for your build. One is OK, but you really won't notice them till you get the second working.

Brinerot are good boots for the build but they're not going to be helpful in rolling your red sockets because they are Evasion (green) and ES (blue) by nature. You can use Vorici's crafting bench to guarantee two red sockets on any item for 25 chromes so you don't really have to switch your gear. Ideally though you want three red sockets for Increased Duration as well but that would cost 120 Chromes. Just keep picking up the linked RGB daggers, wands and short swords and you'll pick up those Chromes in no time. Also check the vendors every time you level up, they often have those items for sale for 1 transmute which is an easy Chrome. Occasionally they also sell 6 socket items for quick Jewelers Orbs so definitely worth a couple of minutes to check.

You should never drop your resistances for anything (OK, the only exception is careful use of The Wise Oak flask but you want to be just 1 point under cap ideally). If you were going to switch around your gear I'd really recommend using a different belt. The 5% increased Quantity from Bisco's Leash is just not worth the trade off. If you wanted a unique you could go with Perandus Blazon, get 8% increased Quantity, 30 strength and an awesome 20% increased Flask Duration which is great for this build. I'd really advocate for a good rare with ES, Resists and one of the Flask affixes. Also if you can get a high Strength role you can respec one of your skill points to something more useful.

With your tree you have a jewel slot with no jewel. If you're not going to buy an Inspired Learning right away then you should either fill this with a rare gem with extra anything on it (fire, projectile, spell damage, etc.), or consider respecing the point temporarily and using it on Occultist's Dominion for 16% extra spell damage, 4% extra cast speed and 20 Int which is bonus ES.

You appear to be missing a lot of gems from your set up. Where's your Curse on Hit? The previously mentioned CWDT set up will save your ass a lot so that's worth setting up. Also, I'm running Arctic Armour which is another great quality of life item. I would really recommend a Vaal Haste too for boss fights or tricky situations.

You don't appear to have any spare items in your second weapon slots. You should really have some stuff equipped to hold spare gems that you can passively level. This allows you to quality your current level 20 and have a spare level 20 to continue playing with. Or, are spare gems to Vaal for extra levels or quality (we hope!). Also take windz advice and buy a level 3 empower, they are surprisingly cheap and the extra level helps a lot!

You can check out my character for a slightly different set up than what windz currently has for an example of what else can work. Ignore the links in my chest, most of those gems are just there leveling up or do not need to be linked together. I'd refer to my character as a budget build, nothing too expensive on it and aside from the staff, the amulet and Atziri's Promise everything else was self found or self crafted.
I could buy Vinktars right now but I would like to save up a bit more for inspired learning.

I do have Vaal Pact and an Atziri's promise however I am not sure where to put my CWDT setup since it's very hard to get off colors on my gear. Any recommended change I should make in order to get CWDT into my setup?

I can probably solve that by buying Brinerot and using ~20 Chromas to get 2 Red sockets. Is it okay though to drop my Res for Brin?

I also had a Quicksilver Adrenaline flask in my stash so I got that covered too.

I had forgotten you could run 2 golems, thanks for reminding me.

Thanks a lot for your reply! Helped me a lot. Hope you have a great day!

you could follow windz's recent youtube video on vorici jewellers for chroming items its got a lot easier to get a 3-4 off color 4 link.
You should prioritise buying at least one Inspired Learning as soon as possible. You'll need another 5 levels to allocate the points to make use of a second one, but you should be able to acquire enough currency by that stage to be able to afford the second one at that time. I ran blue maps for ages just to get my levels up but it's definitely better than dying.

They really help with damage, survivability and clear speed so they are a very good investment for your build. One is OK, but you really won't notice them till you get the second working.

Brinerot are good boots for the build but they're not going to be helpful in rolling your red sockets because they are Evasion (green) and ES (blue) by nature. You can use Vorici's crafting bench to guarantee two red sockets on any item for 25 chromes so you don't really have to switch your gear. Ideally though you want three red sockets for Increased Duration as well but that would cost 120 Chromes. Just keep picking up the linked RGB daggers, wands and short swords and you'll pick up those Chromes in no time. Also check the vendors every time you level up, they often have those items for sale for 1 transmute which is an easy Chrome. Occasionally they also sell 6 socket items for quick Jewelers Orbs so definitely worth a couple of minutes to check.

You should never drop your resistances for anything (OK, the only exception is careful use of The Wise Oak flask but you want to be just 1 point under cap ideally). If you were going to switch around your gear I'd really recommend using a different belt. The 5% increased Quantity from Bisco's Leash is just not worth the trade off. If you wanted a unique you could go with Perandus Blazon, get 8% increased Quantity, 30 strength and an awesome 20% increased Flask Duration which is great for this build. I'd really advocate for a good rare with ES, Resists and one of the Flask affixes. Also if you can get a high Strength role you can respec one of your skill points to something more useful.

With your tree you have a jewel slot with no jewel. If you're not going to buy an Inspired Learning right away then you should either fill this with a rare gem with extra anything on it (fire, projectile, spell damage, etc.), or consider respecing the point temporarily and using it on Occultist's Dominion for 16% extra spell damage, 4% extra cast speed and 20 Int which is bonus ES.

You appear to be missing a lot of gems from your set up. Where's your Curse on Hit? The previously mentioned CWDT set up will save your ass a lot so that's worth setting up. Also, I'm running Arctic Armour which is another great quality of life item. I would really recommend a Vaal Haste too for boss fights or tricky situations.

You don't appear to have any spare items in your second weapon slots. You should really have some stuff equipped to hold spare gems that you can passively level. This allows you to quality your current level 20 and have a spare level 20 to continue playing with. Or, are spare gems to Vaal for extra levels or quality (we hope!). Also take windz advice and buy a level 3 empower, they are surprisingly cheap and the extra level helps a lot!

You can check out my character for a slightly different set up than what windz currently has for an example of what else can work. Ignore the links in my chest, most of those gems are just there leveling up or do not need to be linked together. I'd refer to my character as a budget build, nothing too expensive on it and aside from the staff, the amulet and Atziri's Promise everything else was self found or self crafted.

Thanks a lot for the tips, appreciated :)
This build is pretty fun but single target is hell.
I cant even do cruel / merc lab ;D

Life leech is only from flask?
tirus1 wrote:
This build is pretty fun but single target is hell.
I cant even do cruel / merc lab ;D

Life leech is only from flask?

Yeah vinktars. Can use atzirirs also.

Slower proj, karui ward and empower + crit shd do it. Didnt have issue doing uber
ill try this :) but first lvl 72 to get magma on lvl 21 :)

Thanks for tips
i got 2 enlighten level 3 and im running herald of thunder level 19 5% enlighten level 3 culling strike level 20 innervate level 20 20% then im running discipline level 20 with empower level 2 20% and enlighten level 3 and portal then im running arctic armor solo in head beside cwdt combo i got 100 mana left to cast with when arctic activated =( any tip?


its the level 90 one Cyan_Last_One if u wanna check plz
Ingame names
Last edited by cyan69 on Jun 11, 2017, 7:55:28 PM
Your characters are currently hidden (it's the default setting), you need to make them public for us to see.

Here's my set up I've been using for a while:

Still lots of room for improvement but I'm regularly running pool now. Still no HH though = Sad Panda :(

Oh, pay not attention to the links in the chest. I already had it linked and it was just convenient to throw those gems in there. The Slower Projectiles gets swapped out for Faster Projectiles for boss fights. A lot of bosses I just skip though, they just slow down my mapping and increase my risk of dying.
Last edited by Aldora_the_Summoner on Jun 12, 2017, 12:02:18 AM
So this might be a stupid question but.. If I got headhunter, do I still need the Inspired Learning jewels?

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