Can I find a build based on a certain item?

Is there an app available that will allow one to find a build by item? There are hundreds of builds on the forums but suppose I want to find a build that uses, I don't know, Ewar's Mirage for example?

Ok suppose you are running a map and (if you are using a loot filter) you hear a screech that indicates something interesting dropped. You search around thinking "Where is my exalt" but hoping for a mirror. Instead you find a unique item that you haven't come across before. So you loot it and from the safety of you hideout you hit it with a wisdom scroll and id it.

"Hmm, " you might say to yourself, "this looks interesting. I wonder what it might be worth."

So you go onto and find out that people are listing the thing for hundreds of chaos or a stack of exalts. SCORE!

So now you have a choice, sell it or figure out a build for it. Problem is, every build you make yourself works a lot like ItsYoji's 10 step video:

But finding a build based on a particular NON-META item is kind of impossible. Using the search function on the forums generally brings you to a long out dated shop thread. Or perhaps a dozen of them. (Yeah this forum's search functionality is about as useful as a jar of toenail clippings)

Last bumped on Jan 18, 2017, 7:28:15 PM
*Puts Ewar's Mirage in google.

- 1st link to gamepedia
- 2nd link to build based on the item

Not a signature.
I must use a different google because I enter Ewar's Mirage and get Mitsubisi's website, the Wiki entry for the item in PoE, a forum discussion about how it looks cool, and several other articles and pages but no build info.
What item did you find? Most items are fairly straightforward to build around if you've nerded out about the game long enough (read: me)
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Actually, I found Abberath's Hooves (and almost ignored them... yikes!) but immediately knew what to so with them when I saw the mods so I didnt need a build guide, but I got to thinking about the unique items I either vendor or save for the 5:1 prophecy.

Maybe the question will be more clear like this: How do I find a build that actually uses ________. Blank being ANY item but more especially items not connected to the current "meta" (for want of a better term) or not necessarily a build enabling item.

Maybe someone has found a neat new way to use an old item, but Ill never know unless Im looking up a Heavy Strike build in the Witch forum. (for example.)

Last edited by Dalnor73 on Jan 17, 2017, 1:30:35 PM
Slamming " build (item name)" into Google will probably/potentially get you what you need. There's no build index that tracks every random item suggested in every build for as far as I know, so that'll have to do I think.
Vipermagi wrote:
Slamming " build (item name)" into Google will probably/potentially get you what you need. There's no build index that tracks every random item suggested in every build for as far as I know, so that'll have to do I think.

Yeah I guess I was just hoping that some intrepid individual with skills I dont possess might have built an app that could pull that kind of info from class forums the way does for shop threads and maybe I just hadnt heard of it yet. Im dreaming of drop down menus where you input an item or a series of items, hit a search button and a series of links to forum builds comes up. I think it would be a useful tool but I know Im not the one to build it.
You keep re-asking after two people said "Google it".

I'll try a third time. Just Google it. No there isn't an app.
Build of Exile <--- might be of some use to you.
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