I suck horribly at this game, but it is a lot of fun.

onomastikon wrote:
Yes! I am with you too, and also enjoying.
Some people may be picking up on your (deliberate?) ambiguities. By that I mean the apparent discrepencies between nodes of pleasure and displeasure.

sgoer wrote:
I have a lot of fun

sgoer wrote:
I am feeling really frustrated

But since language and life are ambiguous, I am all for yours too. In fact, I think the ambivalences in PoE make it more interesting than the blatant apophansis of Diablo III.

To share: I die to lab traps. My summoner, the pride of my 0.9.x days, now retired, dies to any boss and frequently dies to things I cannot even see. Keep killing the unrecognizable retenue of Vorici's lump. Have never gotten a 6L. Don't sleep enough.

Wow, thanks for sharing and enlightening! I learned a new word, or at least have begun to learn a new word -- apophansis -- as it seems the Aristotelian roots of this word convey far more than "showing off" as the most simplified definition I could track down. Having never played Diablo III, perhaps in the context in which you use the word above you are referencing the feeling of godhood that comes from playing a game that does not share in the occasional frustrations of supreme challenges like POE. I have to admit, POE does drive me to accept more frustration than I have in other games, perhaps due to the depth of the game and the ephemeral nature of temporary leagues, allowing a looser commitment to 'success' than a permanent character might dictate.

You are right to pick up on my ambiguity. The game oscillates between exciting progression and frustrating failure at higher frequency and amplitude than most other games I have played. One moment I will be feeling accomplished for beating that T8 boss on my first attempt, finding an Exalt, gaining 600 extra ES on some gear, gaining a level, and the next I will be thomping (technical term for pounding :) my table and staring open-mouthed at the screen as I die within 5 seconds of entering a map or arena, or realize the gear upgrade now costs 3 Exalts rather than the 1 a week ago. Perhaps the variance in builds means the diversity of bosses and monsters pose extremely different challenges for different characters.

Regardless, I keep coming back. Learning to accept and channel frustration is a valuable skill, I suppose, beyond gaming. Each time I have faced it in this game so far it has driven me to make some substantial improvements to my characters or start over with new ones.

kahzin wrote:
Don't feel bad about this. Despite everything what people say PoE is a very hard game.


For 99.5% of us, POE is VERY hard. Sadly, the other 0.5% are the ones that come to these forums and complain about how easy the game is (and are the ones that GGG seem to listen to).

yes, the game is relatively hard, but it definitively does not grow in difficulty, it actaully keeps getting easier each large patch due to constant power creep and gg item accessibility buffs. THe final boss does not count because it is only one monster out of many
IGN: Eric_Lindros
CET: Timezone
C'mown, guys. This is a TMW thread! More 'TMW' posts!

To follow me own advice...:


-). You break all the nests in an Arid Lake map, all "Pfft I got this, I've leveled three times since the last time I ran one of these. I have 80k DPS with all my buffs up!"...only to devolve into "I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY PLZ NO I DIDN'T MEAN IT I FIX THEM FOR U PLZ" five seconds after hitting the boss.

I'm sorry, Ancestral Warchief. Your (many, many) DevilMoa-distracting sacrifices will be remembered.

-). You're running a Canyon on a level 78 character to grab some levels, breezing through all confident in your shit because this is VOLLEY BARRAGE, BIZ NATCHES. I got Poison, I got Chaos, I got Arrowz, what do you got? You got nuttin', dat's what you got. Yeah, dat's right, gimme doze Ex Pees.

Then you get pinned by Beaky the Destroyer, thumped by Growly the Ruinator, and watch your flasks do nothing because of Caustic Arrows, look up, and remember you're running a Vuln map with boss meth and +X% extra Lightning.

Ahhh...right. Dat's what you got. My apologies. Allow me to retrieve my face and I'll leave you in peace.

I came back and killed them very dead...slowly, and with a great deal more caution. That was my face, you don't get to get away with that shit.

-). You struggle to level your first-ever CI character past the mid-sixties because it turns out ES is brutally expensive these days, and you need to have it to get it. Multiple deaths in the Dried Lake - the Dried Flippin' Lake - convince you that it's life from here on out because even Blade Vortex isn't Oh Pee enough to carry you those last couple of levels you need to start buying ES gear that actually has ES on it. Or to get your overpriced-why-the-hell-did-you-buy-this Heretic's Veil online.

On the flip side, turns out Amplification Rod is actually a really helpful leveling stick. Lesson learned!

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