[2.4 HCE Updated] BDY's 20k ES Mirror Arrow/Blink Arrow Boss Killer Occulist - UBER Atziri down!

Build is great, here is my current gear:


Jewels are 1 Energy from Within at the spot near Arcane Vision, the rest is half % Minion Damage and half % max Energy Shield with missing dex, str and resists.

And the tree I'm aiming for at lvl 90:

For leveling, you want to level with something else (I used Essence Drain/Contagion, but Flame Totem, Firestorm, Bladefall etc. are good too) until around lvl 53 at least (when you can use Infractem), preferably longer. The build really comes together when you hit maps and can equip both Lioneye's Glare and Soulstrike, and have some levels on Mirror/Blink Arrow and your curses.

For Ascendancies I recommend going Void Beacon, Wicked Ward, Profane Bloom and Malediction in that order.

You can use a Doedre's Ring until you get Malediction and use Blasphemy - Temp Chains and just go Rain of Arrows - Curse on Hit - Projectile Weakness - Vulnerability, Heretic's Veil is really a luxury item.

Auxium isn't needed when you have 1-2 anti-freeze flasks, but if you can take the res hit it's pretty good. Eye of Chayula is mandatory.

Uber Lab is a joke with this since traps do nothing and Izaro runs in circles chasing your clones, no trouble in maps up to T10 so far, it's been a breeze.

4l: Blink/Mirror Arrow - GMP - Poison - Added Chaos
5l: Blink/Mirror Arrow - GMP - Poison - Added Chaos - Minion Damage
6l: Blink/Mirror Arrow - GMP - Poison - Added Chaos - Minion Damage - Pierce or Slower Projectiles

For high-end maps it might be best to run a +1 curse item (+1 corrupted chayula, Doedre Ring or Self-Flagellation Jewel) and have Temp Chains + Enfeeble + Blasphemy while applying Projectile Weakness and Vulnerability with Curse on Hit - Rain of Arrows, but currently I don't see the need for that.

Also if you feel your damage lacking (like I did at lvl 70) when it comes to bosses, see that you have void beacon (it's a huge boost) and be patient, 1-2 levels on your minion gems, added chaos and poison as well as the curses is a huge difference.
Boss damage is mainly wither totem + poison stacking, and even after the slight 2.4 nerf it melts bosses when it gets going.

And if you don't have Heretic's Veil, you can skip the 8 points to Charisma Cluster (and the jewel) and go for the increased Duration at Exceptional Performance for longer Clone Duration.
Last edited by Revak on Sep 10, 2016, 12:49:53 PM
The most pretty hardcore build I've ever played!
I am not intensive player, but easily done 36/40 achievements in Prohecy HC with it.
Very good clearspeed, relaxing gameplay, insane survivability... and all with stupidly low invesments - all my gear was baught for around 150 chaos - 11.5k maximum ES.

Also tryed 5L Reach of the council I looted (Pale Council is easiest boss for such a build). It looked even better than 5L Lioneye bow - no need for support gem swapping before bosses and generally damage feels higher even with significant amount of misses.

Great job and many thanks man!

Hi is void manipulation better then slower proj?
Nvm, missed the EFW range.
Last edited by Aggnog on Oct 9, 2016, 11:39:36 PM
Hi, what do you think about the Bone Helmet? I put 39% minions damage but didn't seen changes in the tooltip, how does it work?
sorry for my bed england
Last edited by barrmalei on Oct 10, 2016, 2:37:51 AM
Hi, what do you think about the Bone Helmet? I put 39% minions damage but didn't seen changes in the tooltip, how does it work?

Your tooltip isn't your minions damage. It's your damage that the orginal mirror or blink arrow 'does'. So, the helm is a good choice except it's a bit low on the ES, if you have plenty of ES on other gear then I could see using a well rolled one.
Why do you pick -Occultists Dominion-, and -Path of the Savant- nodes on the tree, isn't spell damage useless here?
captainhector wrote:
Why do you pick -Occultists Dominion-, and -Path of the Savant- nodes on the tree, isn't spell damage useless here?

Int gives you ES %. No other reason.
Thank you for a great build.
I leveled this build until lv94, it works very good on 2.4 SC Essence League.

My Gear and links:

Gear (ignore socket color and gem):

Gem Links:
Blink Arrow - Minion Damage - Pierce - Faster Projectiles - Added Chaos - Poison
Mirror Arrow - Minion Damage - Pierce - Slower Projectiles - Added Chaos - Poison

Blasphemy - Temporal Chain - Discipline - Vaal Lightning Trap
Rain of Arrows - Curse on Hit - Projectile Weakness - Vulnerability/Enfeeble
Spell Totem - Wither / Cast When Damage Taken - Immortal Call

This is my brief of 2.4 Essence League until endgame contents.

I leveled as a SRS until lvl74, so I don't know how this build works...

Uber Lab:
fine. Wicked Ward and Soul Strike are very helpfull for traps.
can farm against 15 charged Izaro with 12-15K ES and enfeeble.

until T15 maps:
easy. impossible mod is only blood magic. I killed twinned Daresso/Rigwald easily.

T16 guardians:
viable. but Hydra and Chimera cannot be poisoned (see PoEDB), so they are a bit harder than others. we need to use void manipulation instead of poison, I think.

T16 Vaal temple/Uber Atziri:
not tested

pretty difficult. but maybe viable.
I failed twice and felt to need more DPS (or more dummies) to guard zana at summoning mobs phase.
Last edited by iemukot on Oct 26, 2016, 12:04:47 PM

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