Multiple Golems?

So lets say I want to create a very tanky spell caster. I get Liege of the Primordial for the +1 Golem, and then I get a Clayshaper for an additional +1 Golem.

If I were to make 2-3 of those Chaos Golems, socketed in a +2 level to gems item, would I be getting an additional 10-15% physical mitigation (at lv 20). I say 2-3 because I might want to use one for an actual elemental golem to get the 100% increased effect as well as the 40% increased damage from Liege as it doesn't effect Chaos and Stone Golems.
Last bumped on Jun 28, 2016, 7:30:06 PM
Golem buffs do not stack with themselves. 2 chaos golems is the same as 1 chaos golem (except that you also get the extra minion).

This is the same as all other auras and buffs in the game; only 1 of the exact same type can apply to you at any moment.
Last edited by codetaku on Jun 28, 2016, 12:27:02 PM
Golem buffs of the same type do not stack, so having multiple Chaos golems will not grant you more than the usual 3-4% phys damage reduction. You can, however, have golems of different types to receive different buffs (i.e. a flame golem and a chaos golem will grant you increased damage and physical damage reduction).
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Last edited by MonopolyLegend on Jun 28, 2016, 12:27:00 PM
I had a sneaking suspicion that was the case. Thanks for the replies. It would be nice if that stacked lol 4 chaos Golems, at lv 22 would be a 20% phys reduction. But for balance sake that makes sense.
It's not actually the golem giving the buff, you get the buff for having the golem.
It still works with Ichimonji, f.Ex.
You can try to get a helmet enchant for your chaos golem, though.
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