Hege's Witch Doctor Leveling Thread

8/8 Overachiever
8/8 Overachiever
8/8 Overachiever
Yo, what did you do for Bandits man? :)
jakkemann wrote:
Yo, what did you do for Bandits man? :)

In the YouTube video description for this build, it listed, 'Oak/Kraityn/Kraityn' as the bandits to help.
IGN: Nathos
8/8 Overachiever
Awesome build man.
I love pie.
Hello there, I want to build a Null's inclination summoner myself and it would be very helpful for me if you can critique my build idea for possible problems. Mostly because I want to try the impossible - full summoner, zombies included.

Basically this is my tree:


You'll notice that I am only missing the Spectre node cluster, which is admittedly good, but would waste a lot of points to get.

My planned gear besides nulls:

+2 minion helmet with +accuracy
Bones of Ullr
Resistance + Dex + life + mana jewelry

There are 3 big problems in the way i see it:

1. Find enough sockets for all skills
2. Survive
3. Do enough AoE damage to trigger Null's ability reliably and still do single target dmg
4. Enough dexterity to equip null's

My solution to sockets:
5l 6s Nulls: AW -> Minion Damage -> Multistrike -> Poison -> Inc Duration + Flesh/Bone offering
6l armor: Your own setup
4l +2 minion helmet: Zombies -> Minion Damage -> Poison -> Melee Physical Damage OR Minion Speed
4l boots: Summon Spectre -> Spell Echo -> Clarity -> Blink Arrow
4l gloves: Vaal haste -> convocation -> rallying cry -> golem?

Why run 2L spectre? Well I want to try using the Blood Ape chieftans that give Frenzy charges. Frenzy charges to minions give absolutely crazy bonuses, with spell echo and 2 apes my own charges should be constantly capped for Snakebites and my minions will get the good stuff too. My only concern is their survival rate. I should be able to get them high level from Shaper's Orb'ed Jungle map, but if they keep dying this build completely falls apart... Maybe link minion life to them too?
The high lvl clarity aura should keep them supplied with mana to spam their warcry.

Why no SRS? Well the thought here is their duration is too short to last for bosses and for AoE clear we already want the bow to kill everything. My opinion might change in game, but atm I'd rather give animate weapons another link or maybe even use skeletons as an added damage sponge. I sure get plenty of them...

Why poison on animate weapons? Well, from my understanding Increased Duration + the duration nodes I have on tree carries over to them, since the skill itself has the duration tag. All that duration works as a MORE damage multiplier for their poison. Also, in comparison to your own build I actually have minion damage nodes to scale their physical damage.

My solution to survival:
183% increase life with 100% increased mana MOM setup.
2.8% health regen enough to make degen maps not a total nightmare

The only running aura is clarity. Projected unreserved mana hopefully around 1200-1500. Despite many uniques Drillneck and Snakebits both give OK life, only the boots give only 20.

Mana refil from Rallying Cry + Clarity + Pots. Main defense remains the minion wall.

My only remaining concern is direct damage. I have less increased nodes than your own tree. The question is - are they enough? Is it worth getting rid of the Pierce gem + the pierce nodes in favor of Chain to boost my AoE clearspeed? I have my animated weapons + permanent zombies to deal with single target damage. I need the bow for trash mostly.

Wishful thinking corruptions:
Temp Chains/Vuln autocurse on Snakebites
+1 Frenzy on boots
Culling Strike on Bow (or the added chaos damage tier 3)
Last edited by azmodael on Sep 14, 2016, 2:10:49 AM

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