[2.3] Streaky's AoE CoC Storm Call - Makes your Screen sparkly :)


is there any reason why you pick up some staff crit nodes?

To convert them to bow nodes using Lioneye's Fall jewel. He did write that in the guide tho.
I once yolo'd a swag so hard my whole fam got lit.
Would you mind posting offence pictures for barrage, stormcall and glacial cascade for us please?
With powercharges up pls.
(This is to calculate the damage and maybe see where the build can be made even more effective)
IGN - AlfettaGT

My little shop
I have followed the guide pretty closely but I started with a ranger I had that was lvl 64. My only issue is low hp and only 30% crit. I might be fine by the time I get to the staff crit nodes because I have the jewel that's required to make use of those. Great guide anyways, thanks a lot.
Damn this looks so fun. Think I could pull this off as a league starter? I'm switching from
HC to soft core essence.
Is this coc build still viable in 2.6?

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