Currency drop rates and level?

akadiablo wrote:
ragnarok1 wrote:
akadiablo wrote:
I can confirm that currency have more drop rate on low levels for some reason. Based on my experience with 4 50+ lvl heroes.

Unless you have seen the coding you cannot. Your sample size is no where near large enough. The game has not been out long enough in it's current form to allow you to accrue that much information. You don't know the drop rate to even confirm it.

No way you can level up 4 heroes to 50 and think you have all the information. If you had the data from every outcome from every user, than I would believe you could tell me within 3 or 4% what the drop rates are.

Chill man,I am just confirm what i noticed, not mean 100% sure about this.

Officially Chilled.
Kinda noticed same thing with 3 L50-70 toons so far. Latest toon dropped 2 alch orbs and one chaos orb from beginning of act2 cruel to act2 merciless (last waypoint before Vaal atm). Good luck updating your gear.. But at least it makes game more challenging with mediocore gear.. Luckily I had saved some semi-decent level up gear so could at least keep pushing forward without over-leveling areas.

Yeah it's all RNG but all toons have dropped more alch/chaos orbs in act1 normal than any crual/merc act. Kinda feels like droprates need some adjusting but ofc need to be carefull to not drop too much and mess economy.

Of course the problem kinda goes away around L70-80 when you advance levels so slowly that you don't really necessarily need upgrades all the time. But using L30-40 gear on L60 toon feels bit sad just because drops are bad and no alchs/chaos to try crafting..
Good point OP, what the hell is going on with this?

You get BETTER farming doing ledge runs on your level 15 compared to your level 60
The only two regal orbs I have ever gotten have been on characters below level 20. I've also had an exalted drop around level 25. My level 40ish toon wouldn't get any drops in the 30s and 40s.
I have noticed this but I chalk it up to killing/clearing speed.

The thing is at levels 1-40 ish you kill so effortlessly you are clearing dungeons super quick, and are always at a decent level for the dungeon. So you get currency seemingly faster, when you hit cruel or merc your clearing speed drops like a stone, and you more often outlevel the content you face so you see less orbs. Atleast this is how I rationalize what I have seen, I also made a 1-20 character and played it very slowly because I was trying something odd, I felt like I was getting less because it was taking a hell of a lot longer to clear areas.
NastyPants wrote:
I have noticed this but I chalk it up to killing/clearing speed.

The thing is at levels 1-40 ish you kill so effortlessly you are clearing dungeons super quick, and are always at a decent level for the dungeon. So you get currency seemingly faster, when you hit cruel or merc your clearing speed drops like a stone, and you more often outlevel the content you face so you see less orbs. Atleast this is how I rationalize what I have seen, I also made a 1-20 character and played it very slowly because I was trying something odd, I felt like I was getting less because it was taking a hell of a lot longer to clear areas.

I came to pretty much this conclusion too.

But who knows? Maybe some day we'll have actual % rates.
85 %50 lv here, not a single exalted dropped.
Squirrel is love, Squirrel is life.
Wouldn't part of it be that there are less item's that drop at lower levels, thus the % is greater at lower levels? As you gain levels and go into higher monster areas, the item pool expands expondentially.

Wouldn't surprise me if there is some code for lower levels to have a higher % of higher orbs just to get you excited about the game. Wouldn't that make sense to implement something like that as well?
Wouldn't part of it be that there are less item's that drop at lower levels, thus the % is greater at lower levels? As you gain levels and go into higher monster areas, the item pool expands expondentially.

I don't know where you're getting that idea. There are items for every slot at level 1, and currency isn't level locked. The only things that are level restricted are gems.

Wouldn't surprise me if there is some code for lower levels to have a higher % of higher orbs just to get you excited about the game. Wouldn't that make sense to implement something like that as well?

Not really. New players would gain those items without context, and upgraded gear will mean more.

Found an Exalted under a boulder, in Act 2, Cruel. I also seen 3 unique items drop in the same day, 1 in solo, 2 in group play.

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