[2.3]Dela's Obliterate Build CHEAP & FAST clears 200% life UPDATED


i am lvl 75 now and i tested the essence sap mana cluster in the ranger area
it allows me to drop clarity which reserved a huge portion of my mana and still could not always cover the regen, when i permafired KB in bossfights

with these nodes i get all my mana back with one hit

if you are in the area i can only recommend it, these 3 points are worth it
mostInfamous wrote:
OK, so I am running JUST clarity, arctic armor. No hoa the build still clears amazingly fast (and i have no chaos rings or anything like that yet only 4k tooltip) but threw one into mom, and the build takes dmg so much better,makes it much better to grind the lvls till u have enough puts or gear to do something more tanky and or dmg.Obiously with lvl 2-3 enlighten and cpl more nodes into mana it be alot better, around 1k mana unreserved for mom is good with a decent mana regen.

Also what i have on PHC atm, hence my last question for HoA, can check out my char@myprofile if you want.
My Static Strike Marauder: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1211370
Our Map Guide: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/339977/page/1

Avoid: BKR, apinkpwny
How much life ?

HC viable ?
right now up to tier 8 seems hc viable even with dmg mods, i mean you cant face tank thats for sure and really most problem is hard hitting ranged mobs like devos and the bird bitches. Mana is a problem single bosses unless youre leveled and your clarity is lvld, then u also more tanky with points into mana nodes to help 1k mana is nice for mom the regen becomes tricky if ur surrounded but usually you kill in 1-2 throws anyways, its the taking dmg part that makes the build iffy.
you should have around 5k life at 84. with immortal call and flask usage it seems hc viable like i said it becomes more expensive if u want to do hc obviously, but hey its worth it in the long run, not a atziri build or smash all op build but super over the top fun to do dense maps and party with friends and purple cloud the whole area.
@SlamDancer its not letting me look at your pro...bro
coming close to beeing able to use the wands (yay) xD, im slow yes i know but i like to take my time with beeing squishy in HC and im an altaholic ..xD, im coming at the end of the skeleton for the build , id like some input/opinions on wether to go EVA/CI/(ZO) or ACRO/MOM/EB both coming from the trickster perspectives offc since this is the path and experiment i choose , all i want is some opinions on this matter from those that played this build so far :D

thx in advance!

does beacon of ruin make the build work? like the chaos explosion? if not why not get a free tri-curse and -20 chaos res from occultist?
Hi, i just started leveling a witch and wanted to try this build, but leveling is kinda hard , any tip? what spell you used?
Piroteca wrote:
Hi, i just started leveling a witch and wanted to try this build, but leveling is kinda hard , any tip? what spell you used?

At this stage I find leveling with Spark (preferably whilst Dual-Wielding Life Sprigs) helps a lot and is very easy. This spell is very strong currently, you get it very early and with Spell Echo/Faster Casting it is great.

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