Currency Stash Tabs Available Now

in Shop:
Stash Tab 30coins
Premium Stash Tab 40coins
Currency Stash Tab 75coins

So actual price for Currency Stash Tab 50coins.

Marrond wrote:
rockmassif wrote:

It's actually 7.5$ but I understand that you at least need to buy 10$ worth of coins. But that's not the point, if you're actually poor enough so that you can't even spare 10$ on a game you played for 3 years then maybe you should spend less time playing video games and more time actually working. You know.

That sounds like someone completely oblivious to the reality of the world. Unless you're living in VERY few countries, 10$ is actually quite a lot - that's why you see "bitching" about prices near every game ever released. If you asked average Brit to live for 200 pounds a month he would tell you it's impossible, but dramatic majority of the world have to and no amount of "actually working" will change that.

Thats unfortunately really true, but ...

I think you generally need to compare the benefit you'll get from this currency tab in comparison to the usual tabs, instead of compare different situations of people in different countries/regions of the world.

Just when you look at chaos orbs, you will need 3 and a half tabs to have 5k chaos orbs. Just without doing the calculation, you probably would need up to 30-40 stash tabs to stack up the same amount of currency as you can do with one single currency tab.

If you just would need 15-18 tabs to stack your currency, that is just about or slightly lower than the half of possible currency in this new tab - it will cost 330 points for 18 tabs with standard stash tabs, if you buy them on sale.

So basically this 75 points is some kind of a permanent sale on stash tabs. I really can't see it's too expensive, whatsoever.

Just sayin' ;)
Last edited by Zalkortis on Mar 23, 2016, 6:27:30 AM
vio wrote:

because, face it, everything has an end. some day. i want it as late as possible for poe.

Same here.

I'd just prefer it if they don't increase orb stack sizes in exchange for money, but instead offer more interesting and cool cosmetic effects for skills. Instead, at the moment we have things like the awesome dragon fire ball effect, which looks great, but is on a very weak spell - I ain't gonna buy that if I'm never going to use it.
Last edited by ivkoto77777 on Mar 23, 2016, 6:34:48 AM
Holly Sh@@@T take my money plsss GGG

I think you generally need to compare the benefit you'll get from this currency tab in comparison to the usual tabs, instead of compare different situations of people in different countries/regions of the world.

Just when you look at chaos orbs, you will need 3 and a half tabs to have 5k chaos orbs. Just without doing the calculation, you probably would need up to 30-40 stash tabs to stack up the same amount of currency as you can do with one single currency tab.

If you just would need 15-18 tabs to stack your currency, that is just about or slightly lower than the half of possible currency in this new tab - it will cost 330 points for 18 tabs with standard stash tabs, if you buy them on sale.

So basically this 75 points is some kind of a permanent sale on stash tabs. I really can't see it's too expensive, whatsoever.

Just sayin' ;)[/quote]

trust me when u get 260 eu salary like me the diference betwen 10 eu and 5 is quite important(just sayn') it is now the tab is overpriced... a fair price woud be 5 eu/usd.
Qvintvs wrote:

i just wish the money they made from stash tab, mtx, box and supporter pack sales went into addressing technical issues and not developing qol improvements you have to pay for with even more money...

Your wish is mostly granted. I can assure you that they spend quite a lot of that money on technical issues and in contrast have not spent almost nothing developing this single feature.
Loving the greed-centric design! Go Team!
wow how many of whiners forgot that this is basically free game
This is cool. I still have some points left from my Awakening Supporter pack and didn't know what to do with them until now. Going to buy at least one.
Now all I want is the ability to snatch the currency tab to the Center of the screen, so I cant craft Items or maps. That would be a nice little convenience.

We can only open the tab in Town anyways, so why not have the currency next to all the other tabs...


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