[2.2] 100% chaos ICE TRAPPER - UBER down (T15 Abyss Double Boss fight in 10 sec!!)

ill do that in 7h, im at work for now

also i will try to add normal and uber atziri video today
Fire Trap has 2 Types of Damage. One is a Fire Explosion and one is a Fire DoT. Only the first component would be converted to chaos damage. Since the Initial hit Damage from Fire Trap is much lower and the Cooldown is higher, i don't think that's worth using.
NurbelST Level 97 Low Life Animate Weapon (Standart)
DerNurbler Level 96 Low Life Animate Weapon (Talisman/Standart)
Animate_Weapon_for_Life (Essence)

Could you make a skill tree breakdown? In what direction to go first. For example when should i get phase acrobatics so it can be useful? And any leveling tips?
Some leveling tips would be appreciated. I am a newish player and trapping is fun but struggling on normal.

Thinking of trying a firestorm mine or bladestorm mine to help with clearing.
plz~ video
What you need, please pm me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

☞ IGN:Ok_Baby ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐
Not OP but I've been leveling this build and highly enjoying it so far. Some leveling tips:

If you can, grab a Lifesprig for cheap - it makes the early levels faster. Start with Ethereal Knives and Fire Trap in your Lifesprig, and replace EK with Fire Nova Mine as soon as it is available.

For passives, start by rushing Clever Construction on the right hand side of the skill tree, you will reach it by level 25. This improves quality of life a TON (27 points):

At level 28 (or when you kill General Gravicius) pick up a set of Deer Stalker boots and socket Bladefall with Poison, Concentrated Effect, and Mine and Trap Damage. Pick up Ice Trap as well to start leveling it. The Bladefall trap will do crazy amounts of damage, and the faster cooldown of Ice Trap lets you throw 2-3 between each Bladefall trap.

Next I picked up Saboteur, Acrobatics/Phase Acrobatics, Master Sapper, and then Hasty Reconstruction (56 points):

I did the first Labyrinth around level 35, and picked up the Bomb Specialist node.

That should get you started. After that head towards the witch tree, picking up some life node any time you start feeling squishy. Don't put too many points into chaos damage until you've picked up your Consuming Dark daggers.
Question for obojetnecotujest - why not pick up Fatal Toxins in the skill tree? I know they nerfed the node but it still seems like a lot of damage.

Also, the High Explosives passive penetrates Elemental Resist... I don't think affects this build. Is the 10% trigger radius worth the point? Taking out that point and maybe one of the small 4% health/6% mana nodes in the witch tree would mean only one more point would reach Fatal Toxins.

I guess if you're already obliterating Atziri it's not super important but I'd like to hear your thoughts. :)
i will answer all your questions after work :)
Can this build do hard challenges like twinned t15 etc?

I just started Perandus and stumbled above this conversion build. But 1 thing seems quite wrong to me. Why are you starting the chaos/physical nodes path? if you go elemental nodes you can double dip the dmg, especially in combination with the other cold+fire+crit nodes you have specced. Now my question is, did they nerfed something with elemental nodes and conversion dmg (I was not online since Warbands) or is there a specific reason why you pick the nodes? The 14 life seem really not worth it. Also the 2 points to Elemental focus seem pretty good bang for the buck.

Long story short, why are you avoiding Elemental nodes, at 100% conversion a 10% elemental node should be better then comparable 10% chaos dmg node.

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