[Dii] Diabloii.net Guild

Dacar92 wrote:
Invite sent!

Thanks. Will accept later on tonight
Open slots available for you and your friends. Let me know if you're interested.

Rose: You're an alien? You sound like you're from the North.
Doctor: LOTS of planets have a North!!!
Join us for the holiday break and play Breach with us!
Rose: You're an alien? You sound like you're from the North.
Doctor: LOTS of planets have a North!!!
Is the guild still accepting new players? My IGN is VitaNuova. I'm playing in US:)
I would like to join. Older gamer and would like some fun in PoE. 77 Juggernaut. SwampHammer
I want to join guild, playing on Standard IGN: Noarth
Invites sent! Thanks
Rose: You're an alien? You sound like you're from the North.
Doctor: LOTS of planets have a North!!!
Hey id like to join your guild IGN: Coraenne or AurasAdoreUs
hiii Im startet the new League, u play on hardcore League 2? if yes would like 2 join

Mischka1990 or character nik Signaturee

I'll send both invites. Mischka, there are some HC players in the guild but honestly, it seems like fewer than last league. But you can join and check it out.
Rose: You're an alien? You sound like you're from the North.
Doctor: LOTS of planets have a North!!!

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