Constant pc crashes while playing PoE.

Moved thread to beta bug reports forum.

Computer turning itself off while playing really sounds like an overheating issue. Most non-ancient computers will shut themself off at a certain threshold. Keep vsync on, and make sure to monitor your temps (CPU and GPU and whatever else you have access to). Normally your graphics card and motherboard vendors will offer tools to monitor temps.

Blue screen can be a number of things, most common are either overheating, a driver issue, or dying hardware. Make sure your drivers are up to date, keep vsync on and monitor your temps. If possible (if you have access to some/know how) try swapping your hardware (graphics card is usually the easiest) and see if the problem still occurs.
Tegaroessing wrote:
I have problems in act 2, When loading a new instance. Its says that it cant load texture. Or something like that. TOTAL buzz kill. Never had a problem on act 1 =/

This sounds like pack file corruption! Try repairing your pack file with Pack Check, found at the top of the Bug Reports forum.
Balance & Design
Tegaroessing wrote:
Sorry for dual posting, But still having issues. It says, "Unable to map files" Any idea on a fix for this? Thanks in advance :D

In some previous posts, someone suggested turning virus and firewalls off? You may need to remove and repatch your content.ggpk file, sadly, if you're getting the unable to map files message every time.
Balance & Design
You should also check to see if you have a Creative sound card - The game currently has problems with them that we're looking into a fix for. The bottom post on this thread has some information that may act as a temporary workaround until we are able to fix the problem.
Balance & Design

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