Reasonable people talk about ascendancy classes

Sigh, there is no sense in arguing with know it all, with countering Ziggys posts (as he is a fanboy, part of the team and of course will defend this game to death), with GGG.

They will do what they want and we will succumb like the little weak addicts we are.
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Thank you for reading.

Thanks for writing.

/tips hat


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
I haven't had a chance to read this whole thread yet so this might have already been pointed out, but I think the main reason they have done this is because of Scion, with secondary reasoning being flavor. While its true there isn't really much difference going from let's say marauder starting point to duelist or Templar and vice versa, there is a pretty major difference going from scion to any other starting point.

I haven't played much lately but in the last hardcore event I played almost everyone was scion just because scion was a little more efficient than the other classes for a lot of builds. This not only solves the problem of scion edging some of the other classes out but it does so without actually nerfing anything. I am interested to see what the scion ascension class is, I'm really hoping its unique to itself and doesn't just allow scion to take on any other ascension class because then I think we will see even more scions than we do now and well still be in the same boat unless there are some large buffs to other starting areas, which again scion has relatively easy access to all starting areas and more efficient jewel access currently so idk if that would really fix the problem.

My 2 cents anyway.
Very well-argued Scrotie, a pleasure to read. Thanks for that.

On the whole I agree - the absolute top-flight T1 min-max monsters looking to shave every last second off their clear times are still going to use one of maybe three or four 'Best In Game' builds, because that's what they do. Ascendancies won't change that. Nothing can change that, as it's mostly human nature.

Your Terminus Est example is exactly what I'm hoping for, though. I've already been working on a few interesting concepts around Deadly Infusion myself. The T2 realm where Johnnies live, where builds aren't quite as hyper-efficient but there are orders of magnitude more viable options, is going to explode when Ascendancy hits. There will be builds nobody in this place has ever even dreamed of slicing through content, and even if they're not quite up to the standards of the CyCloC Dischargers or the Megacinerates, they'll be good enough to get the job done and they'll be able to do it with style.

Suppose that's what gets me about this whole thing. People are so hung up on preserving flexibility that they're deliberately ignoring the enormous benefits of divergence and niche-generation this system is giving us. For them, if the Templar, the Witch, the Marauder and the Shadow can't all run The Exact Same Build, then it's not Path of Exile anymore, and who the hell cares if that cuts the number of possible builds there are to try in the game down by 75%, eh?

Frankly...I care. I care a lot, and I imagine I'm not actually the only one.
I've read (almost) the whole thread and I especially second what has been said by Boem and in the very last post.


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