Message to all You Non-Beta's

Bellatrixxe wrote:
Star Wars in two days...I can survive almost anything for 48 hours...

Ah, lucky. I probably won't be getting in until 16-18th at the soonest. But, at least I have PoE to tide me over. :p

Although, I feel like PoE captured the single-player/co-op atmosphere about 300 times as well as TOR. TOR still has the amazing story and such, and I'll play it and enjoy it, but it's sometimes hard to enjoy it as much under all the trappings of MMO-ness. It could have been so much better. Having to fight through respawned mosters that you just killed? Bleh.

PoE just has something special to it, that I've never found anywhere else.
Sometimes the doing of a thing is the only reason you need.

"Consider, o man, what may be asked of you in the days to come. Will you stand ready to answer the call? Or will you cower in wretched refusal to meet your destiny? Be ready, or nothing but death will find you."
which would be what? :P Ive seen.. i think everything done in other games in some shape or form
PistolPepper wrote:
Boy, this game SURE IS FUN!!!!!

I hate you... so much.
Yeah i think ..maybe we will be able to test it to
Vin wrote:
Bellatrixxe wrote:
Star Wars in two days...I can survive almost anything for 48 hours...

Ah, lucky. I probably won't be getting in until 16-18th at the soonest. But, at least I have PoE to tide me over. :p

Although, I feel like PoE captured the single-player/co-op atmosphere about 300 times as well as TOR. TOR still has the amazing story and such, and I'll play it and enjoy it, but it's sometimes hard to enjoy it as much under all the trappings of MMO-ness. It could have been so much better. Having to fight through respawned mosters that you just killed? Bleh.

PoE just has something special to it, that I've never found anywhere else.

Hush Vin, you're making me wish I had a key *really* bad right about now. The videos for PoE look great. I can't wait to try it. Looks like they've captured some of the fun and magic of my favorite dungeon crawls of old.

If you ever have a friend code to spare I'd be your in game BFF!! LOL

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
I hope to get in, cause winter is close and i wont have any game to play for these cold cold days..... :S
That was mean. :(
SuperAidz wrote:
That was mean. :(

Sadly game fora tent to be full of mean, small minded, petty people :/
He that cannot reason is a fool.
He that will not is a bigot.
He that dare not is a slave.
small minded
Former world of warcraft player.
Since Classic wow.
Quit 3 months ago.
D: i knows it looks awesome... wish i had a beta key.

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